
Are you....


Oh before anything...
**Aku pulangggggg** (listen to the song then you'll understand la)

The past week(almost, can?) that I've been off my laptop has certainly brought me closer to those I trully love. My bed. My pillows. My dearly dearly dearly beloved....blanket.
Books also got la...I finish my Prayer for Owen Meany d! Uncle lish u wana know d ending?


I never realised that I needed so much sleep. I've not felt the oversleeping(as in..too much sleep) kinda feeling for a very very long time now. I find myself addicted to looking at the stars after what R Factor...
Look up to d sky and see d works of your Creator..

I realised that I've not posted much about my daily life like most blogger does, so this is 1 that will sumarize my whole week for your eyes :)

I've had a super mixed week.

Have you ever felt the loneliness in you calling out?
You look at the people around you. There might be a thousand ways to relate to them in all ways.
Still, those laughters you share with them is soon to be turned into your own cries when the realization of which(Russian style English!), those times are just, times.
You can't share them anywhere. It's like a bowl of Prawn Mee. You order it. Eat it. You leave.

You don't bring the bowl back home...

Sometimes(just sometimes,really), I wish to have my own prawns so I can have that bowl of mee, whenever.


Anonymous said...

you're not alone... :D *hugz*

Lish said...

I FINISHED THE PRAYER FOR OWEN MEANY BOOK TOO! i know the ending =) and it's kept me believing in God for so long.

Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...