
Grace perhaps..

To juenz: tis is a post for u pigeon loving penguin dude...
remember grace?...

So Latin ...
Now that I will need to do my own homework and not skip her classes. Gonna be a feveret student in class .

Gonna be an angel .

Ironic as it may seem(to me, at least), I cant take away the grace issue from the whole chapter. It was just about 2months ago when Juenz asked me what grace meant. I had the honour(ya man..u better belanja me williams i tell u..potato man u...i want my mozarella naan..or at least hawaian special..!) of explaining to him what grace meant to me.

Undeserved Favour.

In 1 way or another, I hated Latin class. Not the language yeah, but the class.
There was once when I woke up late for class and she screwed me inside out and almost chased me out of the class. and targeted me like nobody's business on that day. The only good thing was that she is quite old, and had totally forgotten about it the next week, and took my attendance for that week when I was late.

My good friend here once told me when he was trying to enlighten me on a certain issue. He told me that when he made a choice to give 100% commitment to something that will quite obviously affect another part of his life, he expects(one way or another) that the 100% will pay off. Going to church on every Sunday? Have to wake up 8am leh brother. Crazy meh?...but if you go everyweek, you don't think that you'll recieve the real rest God will give you?

This, is a totally different story though.

I hated the class. But God had chosed to bless me in this way that I can see Him move even in this small area.

We humans are sinners to the max. We'd lie all the way to our graves or drink til we puke our stomachs out or until our hearts sink inside d stomach(ha!) if we have no restrictions. If there were no law binding us from throwing rubbish all over the place, we'd do it. True.

So why did Jesus chose to come to die for us anyways?
Not like He's gonna get anything good from it...There was this circulatory email a couple of years back, where Jesus wanted to buy all the souls who will believe in Him, but satan asked him, why would He want to waste His blood on succums like us...


Why will God offer me a chance for avtomat in my least liked subject?One that He knew I'd not work for it from the begining. The only subject that really,really bore me...

They call it grace.

Undeserved Favor.
The simple fact that God gave His only Son to die for us, you and I.
The simple fact that God will take the punishments of our sins.
The simple fact that Jesus will look pass our flaws.
The simplest fact...that God loves us больше чем все...

Don't get me wrong, you and I both did not earn this... We'll fail on the spot if there was such thing called the God's Standard Exam(GSE) . Thats why it's grace.

Thank you Jesus. :)
I'll spend sleepless nights reading up my genders and declensions for You !

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Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...