
I've Found Myself!!!

...Written on the pages of John Irving's masterpiece.

As a schoolboy, he was a promising student, a fair-minded and likable kid, without being terribly original. Those classmates who could remember from his elementary-school days would never have described him as daring. Later, in high school,his success with girls notwithstanding,he was rarely a bold boy, certainly not a reckless one. While he was irrefutably good-looking, what his former girlfriends would recall as most appealing about him was that he deferred to them.

Throughout college, no one would have predicted that fame was his destiny. "He was so unchallenging," an ex-girlfriend said.Another young woman, who'd known him briefly in graduate school, agreed. "He didn't have the confidence of someone who was going to do anything special" was how she put it.

He wore a perpetual but dismaying smile- the look of someone who knows he's met you before but can't recall the exact occasion. He might have been in the act of guessing whether the previous meeting was at a funeral or in a brothel, which would explain why, in his smile, there was an unsettling combination of grief and embarrasment.

No one who knew him would ever say he was an adventurer or an idealist, but surely he'd been idealistic once. When he was a boy, he must have had dreams; even if his goals were private, unexpressed, he'd had goals.

-The Fourth Hand, John Irving

Those who knew me long enough might know what I mean...
You ppl in russia wont understand a thing :D
Except for the brothel part la...u know..weeks is gud gud boi leh

UPDATE : Ariel will be put into ICU very soon... I've doubled her dosage and tried the new Frozen Beef Teraphy, but nothing is working. I need one of those machines I see on Dr House. Sponsors? Please?

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Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...