
Speak of Grace....or irony(maybe)

Everyone has their own least liked "thing". Or least liked subject for that matter.

I know I do.
It's called Latin Language. It's one thing that I did not 'really' come to learn when I came over here. It's boring. It makes you come to class at 9am and it makes you do homework. Loads of them.

bored people talking. interesting.

So what happened was this. We were eating in the uni's cafe right before the start of our Latin class. Casual chat and what not. See, there is something about this class that makes it so unlikeable(NOT hated, mind you) and so uninteresting(ahh..this is the correct word). It is just plain, bori. not fun.

This was the conversation:
Hari: Ai yohh...so boring lah the class later. Feel like sleeping only
Hanna: Ala, bukannyer ko pandai sangat pun nih. Gi jer lah kelas tuh.
weEks~:You know, kalo lah ade ape ape kelas yang aku nak bunk. First choice tuh Latin.
Memang bosan giler babi
and you know...

what is really on my mind during her class

So we made our way to the class. We sat down. The teacher asked.
"So, tell me please. Who are the good students in our class?"
Khaya mentioned my name. I mentioned hers. The rest of the class mentioned some KhayaKee or WeeThree hybrid name of mine and hers.

The teacher continued to say:
"Okay. For this semester, if you will get good marks for your tests. Only good marks. I will give both of you avtomat*.





cheese !

To Be Continued...(moral of the story in 2nd chaper lah)
*avtomat-free credit. dont have to do final exams.


hanna sakura said...

eiyt.. since when hanna ade ckp mcm tu.. ngade2.. ;p

Weeks said...

ala hanna... same la tuh.. :P
dah makan?

Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...