
Ariel on the Edge...

Ariel came to me on a hot summer's day.
Her unplanned departure, will soon break my heart into thousands, upon thousands of pieces...

It was not really love at first sight I would say. I met her in the most ordinary way and never really thought that anything beyond friendship can occur.
They say, love is blind. Indeed.

We first fell in love when I'd started my journey here in Russia. Somehow, it felt strange to have a new friend coming along, but then again, more companion was definately better than less companion. She became the one which my life shall revolve around...

I thought I was in love, then. Hahaha

As time goes by, we started to spend more and more time together. We're contented with what we were. All those sly touches, oh. Of course we have our bad days. I'd throw my temper at her or sometimes work her so bad, she'd just get all grumpy and as they say, HOT. But still, we loved each other...

Those were...were.

She was diagnosed with cancer about 2 weeks ago.

She...I'm sorry, I just can't

It shatters me to see her black out just like that. Motionless, with not a single expression of her face... That pain I cant even begin to explain.

She's due for further examinations and finally surgery if it's not to risky. All will be within this 3 months...hopefully.

Right now she's on theraphy, or rather, surviving on theraphy. It's just so painful to see her right now.

My Ariel...

You know that I will never forget you.

Not in a million years.

Not in a billion.

You are and always will be my Ariel.

Oh, Ariel Acer Travelmate 4150... I will miss you my baby.
I'm sorry I'm begining to tear...

My baby...

Theraphy Crabstick

Chicken Sausage Theraphy

Chinese Style Theraphy

1 comment:

suet yin said...

u noe wut... i juz feel like snatching her out of ur evil deeds on her.. she didnt want to spend overnite without sleeping with u.. juz bcos of ur SELFISHNESS!! she was forced to do so, n sometimes u will leave her alone, withot accompanying her but not letting her sleep... but u were SLEEPING! u said u r sad now cos she is having cancer! it's all ur fault... u nv show her ur cares... u din even care for her health.. her future!! u dun TORTURE her pls.. :P *feel sorry for her*

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"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...