
I feel like flying leh...can help me?

Lately I've been having this feeling of bungee jumping off my window...
Don't worry, I'm not suicidal.


The weather has been so crazily nice and not nice for the past week now. Simutaneosly, concurently at the same time it's hot and cold...

Windy and Warm (Chet Aktins).

It's just so nice to be standing by the window with it wide open, letting the cool air lap against my skin, ussualy shirtless(are you starting to imagine)(coming to picture?)(me-shirtless)(*wink*)(oh my gosh...enough la)(stop fantasizing ok?)(k lah...1 more minute) . (ok stop thinking about the topless me) (oh here we go again...)

But the moment I step away from that 30cm free corner by the window, ITS BURNING HOT in my room. The wind is hardly entering through the little vestibule between the outer and inner window. Urgh... Thank God for the little table fan I won @ Massad 2006. That she was too egoistic to have. Bleh.

So cooling, but yet so hot...
Remember about the "Mixed Week" I mentioned in the previous post?

Devouring Pork Ribs ...from Belyaeva Station

I need food !!!!
I've not had a nice meal for a few days now. My beef is being used for Ariel's teraphy and I'm almost out of soup and vege already...
How la mummy you survive on vege and cereals...

Oh yeah...

Ginseng Soup with Chicken...


I need my Kuri Grill la, or even pizza....Nobody seems to understand me...I'm so sad....All I'm asking for is Kuri Grill with sauce...no lavash nevermind.

We had a short prayer meeting just now, and everyone told Daddy that we're so tired, so shutting down system, so need rest. I felt as if God already gave me the rest :D

I'm not tired at all leh...dunno why. In fact I feel so energetic right now that I can be eating a whole grilled chicken...oh yeah,I don't have any. Thank God that, somehow, I am not as tired as I am supposed to be. Thank Dad that I'm so, rested.

:D Love you DADDY!



I've Found Myself!!!

...Written on the pages of John Irving's masterpiece.

As a schoolboy, he was a promising student, a fair-minded and likable kid, without being terribly original. Those classmates who could remember from his elementary-school days would never have described him as daring. Later, in high school,his success with girls notwithstanding,he was rarely a bold boy, certainly not a reckless one. While he was irrefutably good-looking, what his former girlfriends would recall as most appealing about him was that he deferred to them.

Throughout college, no one would have predicted that fame was his destiny. "He was so unchallenging," an ex-girlfriend said.Another young woman, who'd known him briefly in graduate school, agreed. "He didn't have the confidence of someone who was going to do anything special" was how she put it.

He wore a perpetual but dismaying smile- the look of someone who knows he's met you before but can't recall the exact occasion. He might have been in the act of guessing whether the previous meeting was at a funeral or in a brothel, which would explain why, in his smile, there was an unsettling combination of grief and embarrasment.

No one who knew him would ever say he was an adventurer or an idealist, but surely he'd been idealistic once. When he was a boy, he must have had dreams; even if his goals were private, unexpressed, he'd had goals.

-The Fourth Hand, John Irving

Those who knew me long enough might know what I mean...
You ppl in russia wont understand a thing :D
Except for the brothel part la...u know..weeks is gud gud boi leh

UPDATE : Ariel will be put into ICU very soon... I've doubled her dosage and tried the new Frozen Beef Teraphy, but nothing is working. I need one of those machines I see on Dr House. Sponsors? Please?

sub site

Still not the right time to go online,yet.

I've added a new sub-blog ... I call it
Was it smirked?
Inspired by my long time one-of-my favourite blogger...
MrMiyagi-san go see him @ not here...not here also here?NOPE h e r e

His other blog.... The Twice Poisoned Dog

I'll prolly be updating this more than that though..


Are you....


Oh before anything...
**Aku pulangggggg** (listen to the song then you'll understand la)

The past week(almost, can?) that I've been off my laptop has certainly brought me closer to those I trully love. My bed. My pillows. My dearly dearly dearly beloved....blanket.
Books also got la...I finish my Prayer for Owen Meany d! Uncle lish u wana know d ending?


I never realised that I needed so much sleep. I've not felt the oversleeping(as in..too much sleep) kinda feeling for a very very long time now. I find myself addicted to looking at the stars after what R Factor...
Look up to d sky and see d works of your Creator..

I realised that I've not posted much about my daily life like most blogger does, so this is 1 that will sumarize my whole week for your eyes :)

I've had a super mixed week.

Have you ever felt the loneliness in you calling out?
You look at the people around you. There might be a thousand ways to relate to them in all ways.
Still, those laughters you share with them is soon to be turned into your own cries when the realization of which(Russian style English!), those times are just, times.
You can't share them anywhere. It's like a bowl of Prawn Mee. You order it. Eat it. You leave.

You don't bring the bowl back home...

Sometimes(just sometimes,really), I wish to have my own prawns so I can have that bowl of mee, whenever.


Shut Down.

Mine officialy begins today @ 6pm.
I will be keeping Ariel in her room(bag) until next week.
God bless you all who read this blog.
Pray for me k...
Love you all..
Thanks for coming by.
--p.s.: to record the dead-ness of this blog....
Today's visitor's count is 16
1 week from now would be __.
give me 20 and im happy :)


Do you know...

just leave a comment and let me know what u want to do with the pix.

Ariel is stable, thanks for all the well wishes.

Heaven breaking loose.The light that cannot be hidden. For mummy

I've always loved sunsets.
Not so much of sunrise though. Maybe because I'm not so much of a
"A new day. A new begining." kind of person.

I'm more of a
"Grateful for all that has taken place today" kind of person...

I believe that I have some sort of "physical attachment" to the sun, someway or another. From my first house back in Paramount Garden, PJ, I can see both sunrise and sunset from my favourite chair in the living room.

Moving on to Taman Mayang when I was in standard 3, it was a 5-storey high apartment and out on the balcony- To my left will be the sunrise and to my left is where it sets.

Shreds of some sky

I moved to my 12th storey condominium in Kelana Jaya when I entered Secondary School and my room had to be the room where from my very own bed, I am able to see both sunrise and sunset. I had a clear view of the whole Kelana Jaya town all the way to KLCC on a "not hazy" day(you don't even need a good clear day!)

To the left was the rise and further to the right is where it calls it a day.

The Matahari 5 cabang

Moving on to Russia. I don't even have to tell you. By these pictures, which is so conveniently taken from my own window, speaks for themselves. To see the sun rising, I just have to look out straight(I rarely do, you see, the sun rises @ 7am..and..I rise...erm..slightly after that) and for sunsets, to the right.

Sunsets in Moscow is kinda extraodinary. I believe it is caused by the polution (both air and light pollution) whereby it almost seemed like Aurora Bereolis(i din bother luking up corek spehling) EVERY SINGLE good clear DAY... :P

My most memorable sunset yet. @ bako, but shared 1/2 the world away..

Wo xiang dai ni chu wo de vai poh jia,
Ii qi ,Kan je re luok,
Yi chi dao wo men doh shui jao...

Jian Dan Ai(Simple Love), by Jay Chou




even Jay agrees with me...
I wonder if she even know of the existance of
this blog. I owe you a sunset on my yellow color beatle. Remember?

At Sahara Desert. Watching over you.

It's a good clear day in Moscow today, arming myself with sufficient battery and memory for my next shot of a good ol' sunset, Moscow style..
Ah..Thank God this long day is over... and I didn't throw the punch I wanted to so much...



Ariel on the Edge...

Ariel came to me on a hot summer's day.
Her unplanned departure, will soon break my heart into thousands, upon thousands of pieces...

It was not really love at first sight I would say. I met her in the most ordinary way and never really thought that anything beyond friendship can occur.
They say, love is blind. Indeed.

We first fell in love when I'd started my journey here in Russia. Somehow, it felt strange to have a new friend coming along, but then again, more companion was definately better than less companion. She became the one which my life shall revolve around...

I thought I was in love, then. Hahaha

As time goes by, we started to spend more and more time together. We're contented with what we were. All those sly touches, oh. Of course we have our bad days. I'd throw my temper at her or sometimes work her so bad, she'd just get all grumpy and as they say, HOT. But still, we loved each other...

Those were...were.

She was diagnosed with cancer about 2 weeks ago.

She...I'm sorry, I just can't

It shatters me to see her black out just like that. Motionless, with not a single expression of her face... That pain I cant even begin to explain.

She's due for further examinations and finally surgery if it's not to risky. All will be within this 3 months...hopefully.

Right now she's on theraphy, or rather, surviving on theraphy. It's just so painful to see her right now.

My Ariel...

You know that I will never forget you.

Not in a million years.

Not in a billion.

You are and always will be my Ariel.

Oh, Ariel Acer Travelmate 4150... I will miss you my baby.
I'm sorry I'm begining to tear...

My baby...

Theraphy Crabstick

Chicken Sausage Theraphy

Chinese Style Theraphy


A Prayer.


- A Prayer For Owen Meany by John Irving

A book that I've been reading for about, 2months now. I don't really have much time to read books that aren't related to my studies you see, so the only time and place that I really do read my novels are when I'm with John...yes, The John.

I've always been excited about John Irving. Not that I've ever read any of his other works before, but his books are always the 'expensive' and 'featured' ones on the "Hot" corners. And I, I don't believe in spending RM40 for books that are not read and proven wonderful. I buy all(most) my books from Pay Less Books :D

I'm a loyal customer, you know.

RM 40 can buy up to 6 good books in PLB uh. I'm not talking about books by nobody for nobody, I'm talking about Susan Minot, John Irving himself, Sue Gritter, etc. I even got a copy of the original Bridget Jones' Diary(yes i know its a girls book) over there, for RM8, when it was selling for RM35 in MPH.

Anyways, why am I promoting PLB?

Have a good day people.


Answered Prayer

They didn't take my hot water away ...


Eta namarlna...Zdyes Rassia...

In Russia, we really love our winter.

After 2months of bitterly cold, we're starting to get some nice warm sunlight, a lil windy at times but its nice...
We want our cold ! Give us ice cold water to bathe in RIGHT AWAY ! PRAYMA CEYCHAS !

They stopped our supply of hot water, leaving us only with ice cold water. This is not your typical normal cold water, this is ice cold water. Ice Cold Water.To proove my point to you, I will be getting myself a thermometer this few days to measure the Ice Coldness.

Rumours had it that it will be another month before they restore us of our cleaniness. Imagine how smelly the hostel will be in 2weeks time. I know I wont be bathing for as long as they keep this up*. Imagine the whole hostel drenched in sweet-sour sauce.Emm....

Sun setting soon, oh yeah, the heater is 80% off-ed already too.

You are my hot water
My only hot water
You make me happy
When I stink..

You never know how
How much I need you
Oh please don't take,
My hot water away...

*-joking only la..if u smell somethning funny around me, its ussualy not me lah.. =D
Wonder what is the elephant doing now...
Or..is the fella's head still there anot..?



Finally after a long berak break, I can continue to blog again.

The past week has been plain books for me.

Eat books, drink books, watch books, see books, lick books, sit on books, laugh at books, put pan and plates on books, draw on books... and so much more....

Read books..?

err... (A) -put this on your msn chat and see what comes out .

But thanks be unto God for He has almost delivered me from the hands of the one
holding the forceps
. Just the little more to go.

It's Women's Day today anyways.

So rest well everybody...

Women's turn to laugh at guys and throw stones at guys.(We all know who's the smarter one, right guys?We're just letting them win all the time)

Before you know it, its the weekends already. So more time to rest more. Great!

Got my flower?Whenever you're feeling down just know that you're the second* greatest mummy in the world..always. Ppl care for you leh.

Woo hoo ! spring coming soon !

*-first is my REAL mum la derr....



the sun is setting from its place
as stars come out to light your face
theres a thought of you in my head...

Three long days been sitting here
the rain has not seem to dissappear
brought away by the thought of youu...

Wind, blowing from within me
flowers butterflies stuck in my head
and theres a thought of you
in my head....

Would you take this song
would you take this gift...
This one,this flower

---written 7.30pm 7/3/07..
for someone i care for..


Grace perhaps..

To juenz: tis is a post for u pigeon loving penguin dude...
remember grace?...

So Latin ...
Now that I will need to do my own homework and not skip her classes. Gonna be a feveret student in class .

Gonna be an angel .

Ironic as it may seem(to me, at least), I cant take away the grace issue from the whole chapter. It was just about 2months ago when Juenz asked me what grace meant. I had the honour(ya man..u better belanja me williams i tell u..potato man u...i want my mozarella naan..or at least hawaian special..!) of explaining to him what grace meant to me.

Undeserved Favour.

In 1 way or another, I hated Latin class. Not the language yeah, but the class.
There was once when I woke up late for class and she screwed me inside out and almost chased me out of the class. and targeted me like nobody's business on that day. The only good thing was that she is quite old, and had totally forgotten about it the next week, and took my attendance for that week when I was late.

My good friend here once told me when he was trying to enlighten me on a certain issue. He told me that when he made a choice to give 100% commitment to something that will quite obviously affect another part of his life, he expects(one way or another) that the 100% will pay off. Going to church on every Sunday? Have to wake up 8am leh brother. Crazy meh?...but if you go everyweek, you don't think that you'll recieve the real rest God will give you?

This, is a totally different story though.

I hated the class. But God had chosed to bless me in this way that I can see Him move even in this small area.

We humans are sinners to the max. We'd lie all the way to our graves or drink til we puke our stomachs out or until our hearts sink inside d stomach(ha!) if we have no restrictions. If there were no law binding us from throwing rubbish all over the place, we'd do it. True.

So why did Jesus chose to come to die for us anyways?
Not like He's gonna get anything good from it...There was this circulatory email a couple of years back, where Jesus wanted to buy all the souls who will believe in Him, but satan asked him, why would He want to waste His blood on succums like us...


Why will God offer me a chance for avtomat in my least liked subject?One that He knew I'd not work for it from the begining. The only subject that really,really bore me...

They call it grace.

Undeserved Favor.
The simple fact that God gave His only Son to die for us, you and I.
The simple fact that God will take the punishments of our sins.
The simple fact that Jesus will look pass our flaws.
The simplest fact...that God loves us больше чем все...

Don't get me wrong, you and I both did not earn this... We'll fail on the spot if there was such thing called the God's Standard Exam(GSE) . Thats why it's grace.

Thank you Jesus. :)
I'll spend sleepless nights reading up my genders and declensions for You !


Speak of Grace....or irony(maybe)

Everyone has their own least liked "thing". Or least liked subject for that matter.

I know I do.
It's called Latin Language. It's one thing that I did not 'really' come to learn when I came over here. It's boring. It makes you come to class at 9am and it makes you do homework. Loads of them.

bored people talking. interesting.

So what happened was this. We were eating in the uni's cafe right before the start of our Latin class. Casual chat and what not. See, there is something about this class that makes it so unlikeable(NOT hated, mind you) and so uninteresting(ahh..this is the correct word). It is just plain, bori. not fun.

This was the conversation:
Hari: Ai yohh...so boring lah the class later. Feel like sleeping only
Hanna: Ala, bukannyer ko pandai sangat pun nih. Gi jer lah kelas tuh.
weEks~:You know, kalo lah ade ape ape kelas yang aku nak bunk. First choice tuh Latin.
Memang bosan giler babi
and you know...

what is really on my mind during her class

So we made our way to the class. We sat down. The teacher asked.
"So, tell me please. Who are the good students in our class?"
Khaya mentioned my name. I mentioned hers. The rest of the class mentioned some KhayaKee or WeeThree hybrid name of mine and hers.

The teacher continued to say:
"Okay. For this semester, if you will get good marks for your tests. Only good marks. I will give both of you avtomat*.





cheese !

To Be Continued...(moral of the story in 2nd chaper lah)
*avtomat-free credit. dont have to do final exams.


What do you do...when you've burned your heart?

So the teacher looks you right in the face, yeah?

She keeps on looking while you're telling her things she want to hear...

She squirms a little, but nothing else. You keep talking.

She Throws A Punch Right At Your Nose.

What would you do.?
What can you do, without ruining the day for everybody else?
That people around you will not be affected by your future actions.

You smile at the teacher.
"Oh well, thank you ma'am. "
and hold in as tight as possible your lacrimal sac from bursting.
The fire that seem to be getting hotter by the minute, no, second.
You look at her again.
And you say your thank you.
And you smile.

You think back all the times that you have NOT even touched your bed.
The chips you had to eat in place of proper fried rice.
The sensation of knocking your head on the table, result of fatigue.
You've probably forgotten what does the pillow smell like.
Looking at the dejected blanket which has fallen on the floor.

You smile and you say your thank you.

You do not cry.
You go home and you tell your mummy about it.
And go for a walk, won't you?
Subzero temperature is good for raging fire I last heard.
Get some sleep too, while you're at it.

You politely nod your head.
"Thank You, Ma'am"

Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...