
No, Vern...I did not

Recent events had caused me to need an output channel again.

I am at my all time low 2007.
I need support but then when expectations rise, and convictions come, and reasons fail...

what is support?

PK said today,

Don't be afraid, just believe...
(at this point of time,my keyboard is malfunctioning,I wanted to type !?!?!? but the @ keep coming up)

Believe that He can, He cares and He will come.

Yes Lord, I believe...
But how?...


A small step for Mr.Astronaut, some burnt smell in our wallets...

BAIKONUR, Kazakhstan - A Russian rocket blasted off from a launch facility in Kazakhstan on Wednesday, carrying an American, a Russian and a Malaysian to the international space station.
The Soyuz-FG rocket soared into a darkening sky above the Kazakh steppe.
Aboard were Peggy Whitson of Beaconsfield, Iowa, who will be the first woman to command the space station, veteran Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko, and Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar

Shukor, the ninth Muslim in space but the first from Malaysia. They will arrive in two days.
The mission coincides with the last days of Ramadan, the holy month when Muslims fast from dawn until sundown, but Malaysian clerics decreed that Sheikh Muszaphar will be excused from fasting while in space.

His religion also requires that he face Mecca for prayer — a direction that will change as the spacecraft orbits the Earth — but clerics decided that the exact location matters only for the beginning of the prayer ritual.

Applause broke out among space officials and other onlookers at the launch site as the spacecraft entered orbit. Sheikh Muszaphar's parents watched the liftoff from an observation area, praying and in tears.

"I'm happy for my country, for Russia, for the United States and everybody," his father said.
Whitson and Malenchenko will stay on as the station's new crew, replacing cosmonauts Fyodor Yurchikhin and Oleg Kotov, and will be joined in October by U.S. astronaut Daniel Tani, who is arriving with the space shuttle Discovery. Tani will replace fellow American Clayton Anderson, who has been at the station since June.

Sheikh Muszaphar, a 35-year-old orthopedic surgeon, is to spend about 10 days on the station, performing experiments involving diseases and the effects of microgravity and space radiation on cells and genes.

On Tuesday, he told reporters that his trip will be an inspiration for his southeast Asian nation as well as to other Muslims all over the world.

"It's a small step for me, but a great leap for the Malaysian people," he said, paraphrasing Neil Armstrong's famous words after the Apollo landing on the moon.

The $25 million agreement for a Malaysian astronaut to fly to space was negotiated in 2003 along with a $900 million deal for Malaysia to buy 18 Russian fighter jets.

Yes, it's dead

As much as this blog has died down...again...

These are few words that deserve a mention anywhere...

In Anatomy Class while talking over the cadaver,

Abrar asked me : So how's your cat? I heard he really fell down?
Me:yeah he did, but he's alright now lah
Abrar:Did operation and all ah? How much did it cost in total ah?
Me:About 10,000 .
Abrar:And how much did the cat cost?
Me:50 roubles...(gets into deep thinking mode)
Abrar: (with a small smirk) He grows on you, ain't it?

Yeah...i guess he really grew on me.



I did not let this blog die!

I'm back.
in Moscow, where I can blog without fear.

will be updating alot more soon.
Just wait for me k?

I doubt any1 stayed on after my dissapearance.


Special Thanks To Vince Galaxy

I half dedicate this post to Vince Galaxy's wireless server.
His ignorance/kindness/generosity enabled me to once again surf d internet. :)

Just to update you people on what I've been doing and what I've done.

I arrived on the 28th of June.
Pak Toh-ed on the 1st of July
Went to Perhentian on the 2nd til the 5th
Vomitted twice and had food poisoning and dengue scare on the 7th
did nothing much after that
Road tripped to Melaka and Seremban on the... someday ago.

You joking rite?

missing all of you.
Dont have new pix to upload yet. but perhentian damn kao lot of pix.
and melaka also.

You are always on my mind.... :)


Home Away From Home...

I mean...
I'm accessing my own homepage away from my home now.

In Cybercafe. :)

my super kind neighbour who used to put wifi out for free now turned bad ady.
Putting password for your wifi? LAME !

THen why la we stay in condo in the first place!

good day everybody.
I did not crash in d plane.

Hope to be typing more soon.
Will dedicate a post to Li-Shia soon.
take care lish.


Hutang Post #1

This will prolly make your dial-up cry in agony.
I've got a new kitten.
You all know how much i love cats(and you too my cat)
so how can i resists a pure Siberian 1 month old kitten?

Here's a description from a pet's website.

Read the highlighted part for quick facts. :)

The Siberian is the national cat of Russia.The Siberian is recognized as a semi longhair cat and can be found in a multitude of colors and patterns.

Male Siberians typically weigh between 15-20 pounds and are heavier than female Siberians who typically weigh anywhere from 10-15 pounds. Siberians also have a more round look and three coats of fur (probably adaptation for the cold Siberian winters).

The personality of the Siberian is one of playfulness, intelligence and loyalty. A Siberian will usually follow its owner from the moment it enters the door to all the way around the house. It could be considered the dog lover’s cat. Also, the Siberian likes to play with all manner of toys. The loyalty and playfulness of the Siberian make it a great family pet and can be considered quite similar to a dog.

A Siberian will usually get along with other pets and children.

Furthermore, there are many breeders who will testify that the Siberian is hypoallergenic meaning people who are allergic to cats in general may not have an allergic reaction to the Siberian.

Siberian cats are a self-grooming cat and can usually avoid tangles in their fur so they do not require frequent brushing. However, brushing a Siberian’s fur regularly can reduce hairballs.

We were in Old Arbat when we saw this lady selling 2 kittens, and after thinking for long enough, we decided(well actually I decided because it was up to me,either the kittens will have a place to stay for the summer or not) to get 1. The kind lady did not ask for any specific price, so we gave her 5orubles.

Now, he was only 3weeks old when we first got him...so alot of milk feeding(by hand,mind you) had to be done. He traveled from 1 hostel to another. Well, he was having fun. Had the attention and was loving it.

Now he's a month old and began to eat solid food and shit on his own. Proud of him. :)
He will be the cutest thing you have ever seen...

enjoying a good meal of cottage cheese(my cat high class ok?)

speechless :)

this was his first picture and he smiled !

blue eyes, can you see them?
Yes he really does have blue eyes...

in case you're wondering, i have a very kind blockmate and a very good friend to help me jaga him while im back home for 2 months. so don't worry k, i'm not cruel.
and verns,
youre not allergic to this cat! hah!

and linwei...shaurma misses you le ..
you shud see the way he plays on his own, he runs around n round and round..like crazy lidet..
then when he falls down from the bed or a bag, he just keeps running, like a small boy only. and this morning, he woke me up, he bit me on the face! then i thot he was just playing la, then mana tau he ran to the makan place(i cut an entrance at your shoe box and made it look like a restaurant) and sat there, the tupperware was empty and he was mewing! so pandai!then when i was busy with my things he will just sit at my side and watch me until he gets so bored he will sleep.

missing you so much you cant even imagine.
*when can i see you again...*

Hutang Post #4

I got a new phone.

This video says it all.

It hurt my wallet for a while, the healing will take time.

Its the coolest thing yet, after myself and the weather here.


-mp3 player(can activate w/o opening phone)
-1.3mp camera
-1GB storage built-in
-super ultra mega cool open mechanism
-all the other junk you get with a phone nowadays...


Hutang Post #5

(in russian alphabets)
(direct translation=VDNKh)
(pronounced=Ver Denk Ha)

Super Picture Post.
went jalan2 with LinWei the other day,
sewa-ed 2 bicycles, went around, got lost and found with cotton candy :)
fell in love over and over

Entrance to the Whole Russia Exhibition Center (which is the exact place actually..not VDNKh-thats jsut the metro stop.

Fountain of Something with Alot of solid gold fountain ladies...

Posing with our bikes. Super cool ok?

Infront of another bronze looking fountain which was working and was so cooling.

Aeroflot plane with a replica of Yuri Gagarin's rocket to orbit.(Yes, a real-life sized rocket)

The back side of a rocket. super huge holes of the bottom.

More rockets.I mean, the same 1 but more pictures of it

Some wire wire thing which made me thought of Tesla Coil in RedAlert...

2 good looking man next to each other, 1 bald, 1 not

Obviously got more pix than this la...just not for public distribution..
Take care all.
Super nice place to visit.
Nicer sumore if got sum1 else to visit with.
All free.

Hutang Post #2

Birthday of a true heroine

Natalia Imbruglia Surta.
Remember the Latin teacher I blogged about a couple of times before?

Shes about 70 plus I guess.
And shes the best and most dedicated Latin teacher there ever will be.
She's patient with us, and her method of teaching is incomparable with all the others.

My group has never been really fond of Latin, 1 because of the 1 hour break we get before her class- which means we can copy homework from others and have some last minute reading before entering.
and 2 because of the strictness she show in class during the 1st sem.

Then 1 day we went to class, and she told us to wait, and she came in with a cake roll and told us to eat.

It was the hardest thing all of us ever swallowed i tell you.
She went on to say that she will be retiring this year and she wants to retire with us as her favourite group.


So we did wat every human being would, be bought her flowers and cake the next week :)

enjoy the pix.

Our Latin teacher...oh no no no..sorry wrong picture!

Enjoying the cake we bought her, we were kinda worried when deciding to buy the cake, she's 70 ok? Kencing manis,can?

More pictures.

Best teacher there is.


May she continue to live her life to the fullest.....

Rather weird when typing this post,because she is NOT my favourite teacher in anyway. She's just a good educator to me, but maybe i should just give her more credit than that. God bless her warm heart :)

and Latin? hahaha I will come to love it 1 day. Just need time.

Hutang Post #3

Heaven On Earth?

Took these pictures after a slight drizzle.

ever felt like you couldn't be stressed more than you are already now.
It was one of those moments for me.
Then it was ask if, God asked me;

"Dude,you don't trust me?!?"

Hosea 6:4 -
Your love is like the morning mist,
like the early dew that disappears

It's good to know that peace can come only if you want him to come.

Final post...(?)

for this semester...

I have at least 3 post waiting to be typed and I promise you i will do them before i touch Malaysia's soil once again.

But let me emo nostalgia rendevooooo abit first k? :)

2 years. 1 and a half years to be exact.
I have seen this place long enough to bring you around.
Sometimes it all seems so sureal but at the same time so...i-don't-want-it-to-be-real...

For those who does not know, this is only my 1st course of the total 6.
I have totally no right to complain yet if were to compared to the seniors.
I'm just emo-ing so I don't make sense ;)

Can't believe that I'm going back with so much more...
friends,groupmates,teachers,education,church,fellowship,alyssa,things,mummy and daddy,food,food,everything,food... and mostly, experiences with God...
In all things, Give Thanks.

Thanks God :)
love ya the most.


Terkorban untuk sebab2 yang tidak sepatutnya

Fri Jun 8, 12:31 PM
VANCOUVER (CBC) - An American man who lost a chance to get new lungs when a
plane carrying transplant team members and the organs crashed earlier this week has received another set of lungs, doctors said Friday.

The 50-year-old from the Detroit area was in critical condition at a University of Michigan Health System hospital in Ann Arbor after a seven-hour surgery that ended on Thursday.

"We are relieved that we were able to do this transplant and give this man another chance for life," Dr. Jeffrey Punch, director of the division of transplantation at the University of Michigan, said in a statement.

"Our friends that died in the crash would have wanted us to go on with our work."

Calgary native Dr. Martinus Spoor, a cardiac surgeon who worked at the University of Michigan Health System, was one of four medical specialists and two pilots on board the Cessna Citation when it crashed into Lake Michigan on Monday.

The donor team was transporting organs from Milwaukee before the crash. A second set of donor organs became available late Tuesday.

"Had he not received a transplant in a timely fashion, he would have died likely," Dr. Andrew Chang, one of two doctors who led the surgical team, told a news conference Friday
The patient, who was a longtime smoker, had chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder that was causing right heart failure. He had been waiting for a double lung transplant since November.

The man's chest was open and his lungs were ready for removal when the plane crashed. The patient was told that he did not receive the first set of lungs, but Chang said he won't tell the man about the crash until he is ready to hear the news.

Also killed in crash were:
- Dr. Martinus Spoor, cardiac surgeon

- Dr. David Ashburn, who was training in pediatric cardiothoracic surgery.

- Richard Chenault, a transplant donation specialist with the university transplant program.

- Richard LaPensee, a transplant donation specialist with the university transplant program.

- Dennis Hoyes, a Marlin air pilot.

- Bill Serra, a Marlin air pilot.

In a statement, the patient's family said they were grateful the transplant happened, and "devastated and heartbroken" for the families of the six men.

With files from the Associated Press
(Colored Text By weeks87.blogspot.com)
Rest in peace.


News from the other side of the world...


"If u got read newspaper today you will realised that lately got lotsa car hijack case. Those farkers would normally bang 9 the rear of your car and make it looks like an accident lidat then when u get down to inspect the damages they will then come and weck 9 you and hijack your car.

So, the next time someone whacked the rear of your car, dont stop and get down to take a look. Drive on to go nearest police station. Dont let those farkers overtake u! My sis were once chased by farkers lidis when she realised its a trap!

These farkers work in group of 4 in a car, they targetting expensip cars and women driver are their favourite victim. Yesh .. unfortunately they will be armed and dangerous .... so it pays to be aware of your enviroment and to look into your rear mirror frequently to see if there is any suspicious cars following you.

If there is really no choice ... give them your car! Its only a car and its probably insured right? Always remember these farkers only wanted your car and its not worth risking your life over a blardee car ok?! "

Above story taken from: http://rojaks.blogspot.com/ - my favourite blog !

Sounds familar? I'm sure you friendster and fwd email junkies out there read this sort of "warning to the community". It's ussualy the scene in the carpark with the bag or giving a hand to an old lady.

It's good that these messages raises the awareness of such things happening around the country. Most people(young people in this case) would just ignore news like that in the newspaper...too small a frame for big and interesting news. Just 1 thing that I am very *insert your choice of word after reading the post* , according to the portion of news above, we are supposed to drive and run away right after we are involved in a car accident. A lil' too extreme don't you think?

What happened to friendly people, friendly nation, Malaysia boleh? It's good(and neccesary) to take safety precautions but don't la until too much. Imagine the poor fella who'd just kissed your ass(of the car), he gets out of his car with an tank full of mixed emotions then you drive away.
Take precautions and if you are alone. BE SMART.

Another thing that "pisses me off" is that, people really take those "community messages" seriously. I don't mean to say that they are supposed to be just put off. Those messages serve a purpose to let the people know of such happenings.But don't la just drive off like that...Different situations call for a different respond ok?

Read this other example;

This is a real story. It happened to my sister's friend just the other day at the LDP! While she was driving, a blue Wira who was behind her knocked her rear bumper. She was furios but at the same time worried that she was at fault. Being a new driver, she did not know how to respond and she just drove off.

2 days later she brought the car to the mechanics as the bumper was slightly broken and to her suprise the mechanics found a mechanical device attached to the bumper! It was actually a homing device which is used to track her car down. The authorities have confirmed with her that it is a new technic for car-jackers to locate their target cars!

So beware, next time you see a blue Wira. Make sure you bang the fella first and then go down and see if he got put any homing device on your car. DOn't just stay in your car, you might not know if the device would actually explode or not. Please, Please especially lady drivers, don't stay in your car after an accident, be in the open where everybody can see you!

So what are you gonna do now?
By the way, the later story is of course fake.

Here are some other examples;
"Next time an old lady asks you for a hand to help her carry her things across the road, don't do it! She will take the opportunity to grab your hand bags!"
"Next time an old lady asks you for a hand to help her carry her things across the road, MAKE SURE YOU DO IT! She might be an officer from the local ABC group which monitors the problems of the youth society.They are ussualy accompanied by the police and religous groups."

"Don't bring an umbrella when you don't need to. Studies have shown that people with umbrella are more likely to be struck by lightning and banged by busses"
"Bring an umbrella to look for the blue WIRA and go beat the driver with it."

Have your own mind.
People are not that stupid, ok?



1 week (almost la...)

i abandoned cyberspace.

i can now proudly,

"i can live without the internet"

p.s.1 : keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekim...
the previous post was an emo 1..
you din belanja me for ur bday.
i emo u.

p.s.2 : mummy...nvr use the **** also !
can't wait to see you in pg!


I am free of exams*.
Gave my final paper and thats it.

i am strong and mighty and topless!

I just played Professional Evolution Soccer 6 for 4hours without a single bit of guilt n regret. and i don't have to lie to my friends that i'm studying.
I can ,now, tell my juniors that they are free to take any books that they need from me.esp piaomei..if you are reading this, just come and see d books you want k?
I can now...watch movies and woodsong shows and animes without having to check the time every 10minutes...


I did all that while i was having exams too...

wah, I'm such a cool guy!

So weeks is back.
smile and be happy ok?

more p.s.-es - mummy ling, thanks for the sms :)
p.s.sssss- love you kissing bug!

random filler picture
As you can see from above(not the picture, from the whole post), i'm currently suffering from post-exam-period-but-never-stress-at-all-because-thinks-teachers-will-all-give-me-goodgrades-for-fun syndrome :)

or i could just be in love.

So, how was your exams?
Oh, I'm sorry. How ARE(present tense) your exams?

*-exams,not colloqium(sort of like topical test)


its 10minutes to 2 in the morning...

and my heart is calling out it's void...

i lie awake, and i ....

i shall wait.

perhaps this will suit wasitsmirked more...


I didn't tell you I got exams meh!?!?!?

....oh i didn't ha...sorry la people...

It's been so long since i last posted a real entry.
Sorry yeah people.
Exams took it's toll on me.
I shouldn't even be online right now.
Zachut for Russian is in 30minutes time and I have not even bathed.


Anyways, to all having their exams.
All the best.
Break a leg.Or break the fucking teacher's leg.


I had a very mixed week.
Got a free avtomat just because my teacher had problems.
But got dragged another week by that old lady teacher.

In all things, Give Thanks. For this is God's will concerning your life.

You know what?I'm coming back in 19days' time. You guys better be there to pick me up from the airport. Or else!(i'l be stuck there)

After a very very long time, I am actually feeling good, even when bad things are happening.
So happy to have people I love in my life.
Thats why I always say, stock up on friends, and burn them as fuel in the winter when you're cold :)

Livern dear, I got your sms yesterday. Was asleep when you sent it and thought it'd be better if i were to talk to you in person(through the magnificent invention of the internet and all it's appliances). You want a gift you say la. Don't malu2 :P

Ok people. Time to go.
Love you all.
Thanks for all the 700hits. :)


This is absolutely ...



What do you do...when you've burned your heart(part3)

You never thought it'll come to this yeah?

Well, maybe a little, but nothing else.

She saw your wound, and decided to pour formalin on it.

Yes, pour. Not rub.

It is as though the nods and the thank you's don't work anymore.
No biggie. You apologize.

You promise improvement.

You cry at home where noone hears you.

What do you do...when you've burned your heart(part2)

You know something is not right when you forgot to return her keys.

You made her walk 50m to tell you that.

Something bad is bound to happen,

especially when she affirmed it just a week ago.

A slap on the face is the least you should expect. The least.

So what do you really do, when your heart is on fire?
You have 3 other items on your schedule.
The air is not cool anymore. Hot I should say. No, scorching sounds better.
When you are stuck and you have nowhere to run.

You nod your head, and you say your thank you.
"Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am".
Even when she has just sneered at you?
Yes, you say your thank you.

Should you go around the whole world crying shamlessly,
or rather walk back with pride to your seat. Pretending.
She throws sacarsm at you. The whole world knows it now.
You smile. You nod. You say your thank you.

Looks like the weather is not on your side this time around, eh?

This is why.


anyone for chocolate???

Once, up on a time...

eating Alisa for breakfast. The pig looks on.
Pig: Can I have some?...please?

Everybody wants a bite of Alisa nowadays. But can't blame them though. Not easy to resist an Alisa.

Feeding the pig. Pig looks so happy. =)

**pig cries**

The end.

More random pix from MASSAD '07

Hari - weeks - Satish

Hanna - Punitha - weeks

Hari - Khaaya

Nina - Satish

weeks - Alyssa - Steph - Yan

Peter - weeks

Testing Post

weeks87.blogspot.com has received over 300hits in just 2weeks.

this is rather unusual because i don't even promote my own blog.

i blog because i love to write(on and off the computer) and i think pictures and fonts and colors bring out the contents of what i write.

when i went to check on my counter,i realised that the MU logo i have in the previous post drew alot of hits.

so what i will do now is, i will put Chelsea's logo in the end of this post.

If it shall double my hits, i will remove both logos.

i don't wana miscount readers from photo-seekers. :)

love ya guys who read.

(if i ever put adverts in my blog, i'd be a puluh-aire by now ! :)

will take this down prolly by tomoro kut




my blog is being spammed by too many visitors!
Sorry for the super late posting people...
Exams and more exams...

It has been crazy hot here for the past week.
like 30*C hot !
and no rain 30*C hot!
super terik sun shining 30* hot!
super terik sun shining until 12am no rain 30*C hot!
can sweat until die ah i tell you.

So i thought since it is this hot.I'd wear my shorts out to worship practice in Noviy Chereomushki.

For your info: only 1 in 20Russians wear shorts in spring. And only 1 in 25 of those who wear shorts, will wear slipper.So for a foreigner to be wearing shorts there is sorta bold :)

I'm bold.


Oh yeah, then it rained while we were on our way there.

It was like heaven in disguise I tell you.
Nothing beats walking in the rain after a week of sweating in my own room for a whole week.

Love rain. (NOT THE "RAIN" RAIN LA. NOT A GAYer)

rain.... ''-.- geygeygey...and so so gey...eww...
What do you do, when you thought you have everything planned out but the settings are not right and time seems to be running away(or so it seems)

Random pictures from MASSAD '07

3 best looking guys in d crowd. middle 1s best.hands down

me - alyssa - keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekimkimkimkimkimkim

my table.group 12 + prem + alyssa

yes.(thats the answer to your question)

And who's your handsome dude....



weeks' secret recipe...

About a week ago, I caught the common cold(not FLU, because Dr.Vagus said Flu is the wrong misconcepted word) and was practically dead useless lying on the bed.

Until the cravings came and temptations look at you in the face.

Ever thought why Chocolate Chips are just plain Chocolate Stubs, and they look nothing like a chip?

These are Chips

These are Chocolate Chips

So, why are they called CHIPS again?
Today weeks87 is going to change all of this. Today, Chips will once again look like Chips. NOT LIKE A PILE OF SHIT.

The world needs her shit! , no, I mean CHIPS !

Since we can't actually eat Computer Chips or Poker Chips or A Chip On The Tooth.
Potato Chips will be the best choice.

So, Needless to say, our recipe for today would be
Chocolate Chips ala Weeks87.blogspot.com

So This Is My Gift To The World...

1.Buy the cheapest packet of chips and safest brand of chocolate to make sure that you don't waste money.

2.Melt the chocolates in a non-stick pot so that it will be easier to clean.

3.Dip the chips into the melted chocolate paste thingy and cover the chips fully.

4.Place them on a plate individually without overlapping one another(Learn from my mistake ;) )

5.Put the plate of Chocolate Chips ala weeks87.blogspot.com into the fridge to chill. and u pulak go chill and wash the pot and spoon.
And once they are done, take a picture of it.

6.Get fat and lazy with it.

So, there you have it. Chocolate Chips ala Weeks87.blogspot.com


My Eggs Come From The North...

...Where Does Yours Come From?

CEBEP - North in Russian...

I'm back for a while.
Exams didn't take too much out of me some how.
3Colloqiums in a week don't sound that bad after all :)

Gonna almost-flunk 1. and do OK for the other one.
One more up this friday...

The weather here has been hot. So hot it makes you want to sweat by just reading what I am typing here. So please start sweating now to prove me right.

This few weeks has been an interesting one for me.
Interesting which doesn't mean good nor bad.
Have a good week and a good MASSAD to you m2 people.


FAM vs Manchester United...

LinPeh's Blog...

United We Stand !

The Football Association of Malaysia has decided to ignore the order of Asian Football Confederation (AFC) and go ahead with the Manchester United trip to Malaysia during the Asia Cup. However, the FAM’s defiance of this AFC ruling could put the national governing body in the line of fire. So, why do you think FAM is taking such a risk? Here is what Lin Peh think:

1) What kind of repercussions from the AFC are we expecting ?
Suspense us from World Cup and Olympic? HAHAHAH! Ask them to do their homework la. It makes no difference one !

2) The Match Will Not Affect Malaysia Team Performance at the Asia Cup.Even though the MU match will be played on July 27 which is two days before the Asian Cup final, all the Malaysian rakyat agree with the FAM that we are very confident that it will not affect the Malaysian team. Because non of us expect Malaysia to make it to the final. HAHAHAH!

3) This match is part of the Celebration of 50th anniversary of our Independence.In other part of the world, their national day celebration is the day for them to parade their military power and sometimes even nuclear warhead. However, being such a peace loving country, we have decided to parade something that the entire country is so pround of after 50 years of independence - Manchester United! Even Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had said last Friday that he wanted the United match here to kick off as scheduled.

4) Manchester United is actually the national football team of Malaysia.
How often do you see this logo at the bumper of Malaysia's car ?

Quite often, right ?

How often do you see this ?

Almost never! Right ? HAHAHAH!

So, Lin Peh not surprise with the FAM decision. Are you ?

United We Stand!

Another Projeck by the Malaysia Boleh Gaoment

Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...