
My Eggs Come From The North...

...Where Does Yours Come From?

CEBEP - North in Russian...

I'm back for a while.
Exams didn't take too much out of me some how.
3Colloqiums in a week don't sound that bad after all :)

Gonna almost-flunk 1. and do OK for the other one.
One more up this friday...

The weather here has been hot. So hot it makes you want to sweat by just reading what I am typing here. So please start sweating now to prove me right.

This few weeks has been an interesting one for me.
Interesting which doesn't mean good nor bad.
Have a good week and a good MASSAD to you m2 people.

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Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...