
Testing Post

weeks87.blogspot.com has received over 300hits in just 2weeks.

this is rather unusual because i don't even promote my own blog.

i blog because i love to write(on and off the computer) and i think pictures and fonts and colors bring out the contents of what i write.

when i went to check on my counter,i realised that the MU logo i have in the previous post drew alot of hits.

so what i will do now is, i will put Chelsea's logo in the end of this post.

If it shall double my hits, i will remove both logos.

i don't wana miscount readers from photo-seekers. :)

love ya guys who read.

(if i ever put adverts in my blog, i'd be a puluh-aire by now ! :)

will take this down prolly by tomoro kut


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Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...