
A very kitty little post

MiaoMiao: Baby...you see that lil fella on the floor? Like very tasty only..
Baby : Hmm..dun wan lah. I ate my Friskies Pockets liao. Very full.

MiaoMiao: Ok lah...I feel like having deserts anyways.

Now You See, Now You Don't...

Cute Mummy's pic with cute camper(the cat)

manjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D

mummy ling ~

I wonder how can I go on without these little angels...


Man's Day

Its one day where I can do anything I like without the fear of being judged by anyone else. Even myself.

I've been eating. Playing games. Watching cartoons. sleeping. Shopping for new shoes. the whole day.

I have no regrets.

Just a while ago we had a men's day party @ 905.
The girls(Nina and Hanna) prepared the kerepok and cucur and sauce...while we the guys played cards and gambled fake money.

What a life.
Playing cards while having non-stop flow of kerepok and kuah cili kampung for dipping.

If only everyday was Men's Day. Worldwide.

Actually. They replaced the name of the day to Day of Defenders of the Nation.(den zashitnaya otechestva). But they can't take away my day. Changed name or not!

Happy Men's Day , Men...
Enjoy your sleep eat watch tv routine. Remember to go to toilet when you need to.

This is life.


Try this at home.

For Hanna.

This is the recipe you wanted.
but first... you'll need to solve the puzzle...

This is a little something that i've been addicted to for 3 days now.
from www.ouverture-facile.com .

It takes more than brains to solve their puzzle.
You'll need time and some softwares too.
how cool is that.

An example of their puzzles.
Well of course the answer will only be logical to Hanna who is looking for something.

These are some of the characteristics that we see in some people...

your clue is...
It was mature...

ps. click on the photo then save it to ur comp...work it from there ,easier.

another clue??



Ice Skating...

Funny how we skate to fall...
while others fall to skate... right?..dear pro-skaters?
**ego melambak-lambak**


I love ice-skating, and from the moment I learnt that Moscow has one of the biggest(or isit the biggest?) ice park in the world, I was more than thrilled....
How much do I love skating?
I love skating more than I love you... about 5000000000000000000000000000000000 times less thn i sayang my dear lin wei.. :)

that much...

Life Story- Optional read.
I started skating when I was about...10 y.o. when my parents applied for the Mines' Privilege Membership thing. They gave us some vouchers to do ice skating..and skating there wasn't cheap at that time , mind you.

So from then on...I fell in love with skating.

Fast forward a couple of years, Sunway Pyramid became the prime target for amatuers like myself...I remember that my dear old friend, John Lim and I..we used to go pick up girls in the rink ... hahah good times... we'll show them how to skate backwards..
in exchange for their phone numbers... smart leh....
What turned my skating life(er...u read it first at weeks87 -skating life) around was when, WanYian, a very very very old friend of mine, had her eyes on this skating instructor and asked me to talk to him and ask for his details...

He told me that if I'd join their classes, he'll give me free skating hours..for free -.-''
I went and skated every single day in the month of December(exxageration)
Ok life story too long already...

anyways we have this place called the Gorky Park here..
Mentioned in Winds Of Changes by The Eagles

Where instead of walking on the paths on a normal park, you skate on it.
Thats right.
It's like an amature skater's dream come true...

(wowie is the guy)

Last year Eric, Kim Swee, Wowie and I skated like nobody's business..
This year we started to recruit some new kaki-s to go with...

Great time great fun... If only can go everyday without feeling pains all over the body after every session.

This Friday..
anyone up for it?


Dark Skies and Oily Chickens

Why am I not doing a post abt CNY ?
well...maybe I enjoy enjoying it more...than to write about it..
There was once, prolly about a couple weeks ago...
Once, or maybe more...

Today I had a real long day in uni. I've already expected to be late for class, since I barely had any sleep last night, not that I can fall asleep anyways... Was so hungry but we didn't have anytime at all to get real food... Back to back classes...

Russian class was great today.
You know when, at times when you're about to attend a class, you're so certain that it's definately going to be a class you want to skip so badly, you'll think of the boredom that was about to follow every single word the teacher utters, the akward silence when you're caught daydreaming..dreaming about things like webcams and bolsters..you know.. Or maybe when you try so hard to "try to sleep" in class, but the urge to listen to what she has to say... just keeps you on your keypad..well i know it kept me there.
So as I was saying, Russian class was great.

Somehow ?

Then as we we're making our way back to hostel. Khaaya decided to ask for trouble... She asked for us(Satish and I) to roll her on snow...Well obviously she didn't asked for it directly but both Satish and I can read minds ah. So we passed by CitiCafe and Somehow..somehow they caught my attention when Sushi was across their adverts. "I really like jap food :)" , i like 'em too.. i wonder if you remember.. haha speaking of jap food. I wonder if I'll get to eat curry chicken tonite? :P

So in the end Sharmini was the 1 who kena-ed kau kau from Satish anyways.

It's really funny,or maybe not funny, perhaps its ironic, or ..weird?..
It's really funny how those eyes can light up one's day, even when it has been the longest day ever. Haha, even when it tries to wink... ;)

Heart still around stomach area... havent come out yet :) so not that smelly kua....
really abit sam si-si though... hmm..


Gonna con't giving out golds to friends...
kam kam kam kam..vanakam?
geddit??geddit?? Want a Kam ??

A rabbit here and a rabbit there...

Rabbit Overview
Provided by Astrology.com

Rabbit Overview
How sweet it is! The Fire Pig is a little wild for your tastes, but a Pig is a Pig, and a Pig is one of your best friends.

Rabbit Rating
79% (1 neutral and 11 favorable months)

Rabbit Career
It could be a good year if you are in business. The salaried Rabbit, however, can expect only modest progress.

Rabbit Relationships
Passion runs deep. There is a strong chance of finding a new love. It's also an auspicious time to get married.

Rabbit Health
If there's a Rabbit vulnerability this year, as with last, it is in the area of health. There is an unlucky star influencing you this year, and with all the Fire around, you could be susceptible to minor accidents if you try to keep up with the hectic pace.

Rabbit Wealth
Your finances are secure. If you deal with money directly you are likely to increase your wealth.

so...Whats up, doc?
hows your rabbit this year?...


Valentine's Day Post

Is Valentine's Day overated?...
If you ask me..I'd say it depends.

Depend on what?
If you'll ask me again, I'l say many things.

Many things like what?
You still wanna ask me?...


I've had my share of Vday actually, maybe not enough to be telling you what you should or should not do when it comes to you (like many other "pro" bloggers would). Personally, I like the kinds of days like this. A day that we can actually celebrate something that's real...

We don't need the moon to tell us where to look, nor do we need the dates and figures to determine the time and day to rejoice...
We celebrate because we know what to celebrate...
There's no need to count it on paper the length of "You laffu me" and "I laffu you". You just simply know.

It's strange that super-lovey-dovey-honey-money(cant thnk of other rhyming words)-mushy-wooshy-usshy-yeeeee-so-kawaii!!! couples don't see the picture others are seeing, that "Vday is nothing but a money making scheme to sell more chocolates and flowers and ligeries" more recently.

Not that it's wrong to buy chocolates...In fact, its not wrong at all. So what if BoyA chooses to spend USD50 on a box of chocolates with some fine "i love you always" prints on them. His whole life at this point of time is about nothing else except for the sweet little laugh that GirlA will chuckle out ... Nothing else really matters anymore... No. Nothing else at all, matters.

I get jealous sometimes(actually always)(nolah..sometimes...)(wait..abit more then sometimes..but not always la..)(u know la..:P) whenever I see 2 love birds fooling around with their noses and strands of hair, knowing that tomorrow will be another day that they can celebrate together, whatever the occasion will be.

Corny as it might sound, Valentine's
Day is like New Years Day to them maybe..haha

Once, I shared a sun set/rise with someone halfway around the world...
At that moment in time, I'd give away all I have, just to experience it all over again...
Even when we know that the sun will only be there, as the earth rotates away from it. I'd give my whole world away, then.

To me, this is what Valentine's Day is about. It doesn't simply celebrate the love you have for the other half..or maybe even your love for a certain family member, or a bff.

It celebrates this very moment of time.

This Very Second.

You are this much, .... in love with her/him .

Because however deep you can love right now, can and at times, will turn sour in matters of a few disagreements. But it will never take away the fact that you fell in love with the perfect person at the perfect timing, with the perfect setting and surroundings...right now.

Learn to love...Live to love...


Valentine's Day meme

1) Do you celebrate?
Answer : Sometimes...depends lah..if tat time got nice grilled chicken..then celebrate lah..
wait..vday is not eat chicken day?...oh..sorry lah.. :P

2) If you don’t, do you feel a bit embarrassed about it?
Answer :NOPES...im proud to be one of the non celebraters (this year)...
PROUD ! PROUD , you hear me????? but then i dun mind getting gifts lah :D
you know lah, thick skin people...

3) Do you have anyone to wish? Like you know…special people? Dare to name him/her/them?
Answer :
1)Lim Khuan Heng....
my mum
You know..valentine's day isnt for sweet sweet mushy mushy lovebirds ya...
if its to celebrate ones love for others..then why not for mothers also...
(I can hear some of you saying, Thats why we have Mother's Day ,you idiot!)

2)Kathy Tan a.k.a. Ling
Happy Valentine's Day to you my dear dear dear friend :)
You are Thin and Pretty yeah!!
Stay that way :)...
I love you always...(as a super duper harasho friend )
4) Was there a Valentine’s Day that you will forever remember?
Answer : 1.

5) What do you say if I ask you to write a secret love note to someone (anon) you admire and publish it on your blog? You think you can find the word for them? You have the courage? Yes?

Orait....here we go..

My Dearest, (whoever who wants to be)...

It could have been a long time since I've got to know you, or it could've been a short time. God knows. One thing I know is, wherever you are now, I can only hope for your happiness in life. That you will know to enjoy the simple things in life. That you know, I'll be praying for you, so that your heart will be filled with love and warmth all the time. People around you will love you and care for your needs . That you will be happy. Even when the time will come, that you will not even remember of my existance in your life before, I will still miss you. And when it comes to the point where you will blank me out of your memory, I will still hope for you. All this will be, so that you will know .However much it will take from me. I want to love you.


..abit the scary punya love letter.. like wanna stalk ppl punya love letter..
btw..its an open love letter okay!
dun simply think!

Happy Vday ya'll !


Photo Post camp

Malaysians...those who wasn't working tat night

l-r: MeiSiu, Wendy, SuetYin, Katherine piaomei

Malaysian Group pic with pastor terry

Girls picture (!!!) (inside joke..sorry)

er..Bro Chikondi shocked picture

Some cool guy's picture....


thanks to volgo people for d effort !


More of camp

SFC Winter Camp...
boy oh boy, you'll be so bored of me before the end of this post..
another camp post...


Camp was great.
To some extent that it was very fulfiling, very powerful..
maybe even very "encounter-ful", b u t camp wasn't that great too...

We had horrible food for 5 days.
So horrible that it was not picture worthy like ones we had previous year. Potatoes, rice, bread, orange color stuff with meat in it and more bread. One of the breakfast we had this lump of "something" that nobody was exactly sure what was it. I put sour cream on very spoonful.

The first night when we arrived, me and PangWeiSoon worked over dinner time and found out that the cafeteria had closed. No food for the night. No water. Thank God I brought some biscuits and bread.

Bad food experience aside.(you know what does food mean to me right...so don't you dare judge me on what I think about food... *sharp stare...*)

The messages were all relevant to me. As I said earlier, alter calls were not popular in camps like "this" ,though, we had 1 in 10 of the sermons. Yes, we had 10 sermons...oh, no no...8 preachings and 2 teachings... :D of course alot of ppl fell asleep. We're not robots you know.

Every single prayer we made at the camp came with a revelation and a strong assurance that God was right there listening. We prayed for Russia, and I cried my heart out for Moscow...

Oh yeah, in the 3 full days and 2 half days... we Malaysians(from Moscow) were given 2 hours to have short games. Thanks to our M1 massive boss, Dalvin, it worked out. Well if you don't know already, we had a dress-up game. Using things like (my 5cm thick stack) Ikea Paper, Cellophane tape, expensive toilet rolls..etc. you understand rite.

We had short games in between preachings(Thank God for that!) too.

And how can you go to camp and not make friends!
I met some cool nice people from all over d world...like Malaysia, and Russia, and..er..Africa? Malaysians were a bunch at the camp. Kursk and Volgo ppl were 'massive!'. Dunno why no nishny people leh?

This is a long enough post to bore enough people d..
I WILL stop here...
Long enough for you , ling?

More pix up soon..




Meet Frank.
Frank is a Penguin...
He was there at the Camp too...and he was popular...
very popular indeed...

Meet Samurai....
He's from Japan...
No, no, he did not kill the penguin. Don't worry...
He came for the Camp too !

Many of us came for the Camp...
Different colors. Different parts of the world...
But the 1 thing that tied us all together was quite distinct...

When I say from all parts of the world...
I really do mean ALL PARTS...
We saw some faces, like never before.

It could be that we all loved music.
We loved the guitar...
And girls loved the Brazillian Hunks...

Maybe we like dancing.
More like doing silly actions throughout a song...but...
Yeah, we like to dance. No doubt.

But the only exact answer I can really think of is...
We love God, very very much...
We love Jesus so much... that we would lay our lives down...

Camp was great.


Voice of a stomach

Do You Happen To Have Some
Grilled Chicken
That I Can Borrow For A While?...

Old Arbat Street

During the first few days of our Winter Break...
Group 12 went on an excursion to the famous Old Arbat Street(Улица «Старый Арбат»)...

Well as you know, its an old street with nice paintings on the floor and locals selling overpriced souvenirs.
Mcdonalds at ends of the street...
Nothing new.

We had a great day. Enjoyed, every single one of us...

Here are the pictures.Nuff said.

Group picture(of G12 and some PakFak ppl)

One of the 7 Sister's building in Moscow...

Pushkin's statue, with his lover

The floor I was telling you about. :D

NINA!!!!!!!! UPLOAD TO FTP !!!!!!!


The blog didn't die ! HAH !

You'd thought that that was the end of my new blog ?

I'm still blogging..

I'l let you know about the WInter Camp in a few days time,when i shall get my pix loaded into flickr...

For now..let me tell you a lil something about what I think on these issues:
1)Yahoo takes over Flickr and forces user to sign in with Y! accounts
2)Say No To Adsense by Shaolin Tiger

Yahoo! forces users to sign in with Yahoo Accounts and NOT flickr accounts
If you don't already know... a handful(or alot...I don't know..but got lah...) of Pro users are protesting against the change Flickr are implementing on all their users. We all know that Yahoo bought over Flickr quite some time ago. Then a few weeks ago , out of the blue Y! said taht users will need a Yahoo account to sign in to Flickr...


the whole Flickr forum exploded with protest, to the point that a discussion group was formed and they all threathened to leave Flickr if still gonna be like that.

I know that i am not really into this kinda thing and they affect me the very very least whenever something like this happens.


If you guys can afford(or have to interest) to go Pro in Flickr...I'm sure a Yahoo account isn't that bad right?
And i'm sure that some of them guys have at least 5 different Y! accounts ...since they are so Pro...
So what if you'l need to sign in using a Yahoo account?...
This is the internet.
Its all pseudo-reality...its an electrical screen with lights....
It wont affect your dignity by having 1 more/less account.

Yahoo is a big time multi-thing company...they have the mani that Flickr doesn't to "give rise" to new projects etc...I'l like to be able to see a preview of my blog in my Flickr page sometime soon...Don't you?Who knows ,maybe Pro account will be available for free in the future then some World Class (if you play fifa u'l understand) account will be launched...

im sorry..
i din know u're a hippie...
so sorry ...

I was reading Shaolin Tiger a while ago when i came upon his entry about Adverts on Personal blogs...

Do know that I'm a big fan of ST ...

His entries are often light-hearted and funny and has the least to do with the politics(not even jokes about em.) or the latest trend etc...Paling banyak also movie reviews and item reviews...

I suppose that he is the 1 who launched this Say No To Adsense "thing"(i dunno wat to call it lah) 1 lah...Since I cant find any other page about this topic on the search engine.And i believe that he has his rights. To speak his mind ;) .

ST presented his arguments with great clarity and sometimes very convincing too. But i choose to disagree with most of what he'd said loh...

First we need to understand that Adsense, and other companies that resembles Adsense in its way of working, DOES NOT put up ads and pop ups without your concern and without paying you a nominal fee for the space especially if you own the domain, i.e. you PAID for the domain.
Lets say, my domain and hosting cost me US$300 a year (thats ALOT)...

I'm a student btw, so theres no way i can afford to take that kind of money out of my own pocket. So the popular solution is to get people to advertise on your blog, using a small space that you bought with the $300 , and they'll pay you for that.
Most people who are into reading blogs or blog-hop knows the trend of the internet pretty well we can assume...
We're never the 999,999,999th visitor on that page
nor did we just won free credits with a casino.
I won't click on an advert. without a purpose...simple as that.

So what I am really trying to say is...whats the whole point in protesting against something that is not there to harm you, but to give you money...All Out Protest sumore...
And if one doesn't like the distraction on the blog page, then one shouldn't have considered putting it there in the begining. Nonsense. I won't mind earning that sort of money if only i have a lil more initiative in looking up the info about Adsense....

I left my comment in his post. stating that I find it hypocritical of him to protest against something that he'd earned $500 from in 2 years...
RM2000 is not alot for work in 2 years..but what have you done to earn that RM2000? Put some codes in your front page? RM2000 to copy and paste codes on a computer.That would be a great part time job you know.

oh...so so so so soooooo sorry!!!!
i forgot again...
you guys are hippies...
sorry yeah....

Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...