
The blog didn't die ! HAH !

You'd thought that that was the end of my new blog ?

I'm still blogging..

I'l let you know about the WInter Camp in a few days time,when i shall get my pix loaded into flickr...

For now..let me tell you a lil something about what I think on these issues:
1)Yahoo takes over Flickr and forces user to sign in with Y! accounts
2)Say No To Adsense by Shaolin Tiger

Yahoo! forces users to sign in with Yahoo Accounts and NOT flickr accounts
If you don't already know... a handful(or alot...I don't know..but got lah...) of Pro users are protesting against the change Flickr are implementing on all their users. We all know that Yahoo bought over Flickr quite some time ago. Then a few weeks ago , out of the blue Y! said taht users will need a Yahoo account to sign in to Flickr...


the whole Flickr forum exploded with protest, to the point that a discussion group was formed and they all threathened to leave Flickr if still gonna be like that.

I know that i am not really into this kinda thing and they affect me the very very least whenever something like this happens.


If you guys can afford(or have to interest) to go Pro in Flickr...I'm sure a Yahoo account isn't that bad right?
And i'm sure that some of them guys have at least 5 different Y! accounts ...since they are so Pro...
So what if you'l need to sign in using a Yahoo account?...
This is the internet.
Its all pseudo-reality...its an electrical screen with lights....
It wont affect your dignity by having 1 more/less account.

Yahoo is a big time multi-thing company...they have the mani that Flickr doesn't to "give rise" to new projects etc...I'l like to be able to see a preview of my blog in my Flickr page sometime soon...Don't you?Who knows ,maybe Pro account will be available for free in the future then some World Class (if you play fifa u'l understand) account will be launched...

im sorry..
i din know u're a hippie...
so sorry ...

I was reading Shaolin Tiger a while ago when i came upon his entry about Adverts on Personal blogs...

Do know that I'm a big fan of ST ...

His entries are often light-hearted and funny and has the least to do with the politics(not even jokes about em.) or the latest trend etc...Paling banyak also movie reviews and item reviews...

I suppose that he is the 1 who launched this Say No To Adsense "thing"(i dunno wat to call it lah) 1 lah...Since I cant find any other page about this topic on the search engine.And i believe that he has his rights. To speak his mind ;) .

ST presented his arguments with great clarity and sometimes very convincing too. But i choose to disagree with most of what he'd said loh...

First we need to understand that Adsense, and other companies that resembles Adsense in its way of working, DOES NOT put up ads and pop ups without your concern and without paying you a nominal fee for the space especially if you own the domain, i.e. you PAID for the domain.
Lets say, my domain and hosting cost me US$300 a year (thats ALOT)...

I'm a student btw, so theres no way i can afford to take that kind of money out of my own pocket. So the popular solution is to get people to advertise on your blog, using a small space that you bought with the $300 , and they'll pay you for that.
Most people who are into reading blogs or blog-hop knows the trend of the internet pretty well we can assume...
We're never the 999,999,999th visitor on that page
nor did we just won free credits with a casino.
I won't click on an advert. without a purpose...simple as that.

So what I am really trying to say is...whats the whole point in protesting against something that is not there to harm you, but to give you money...All Out Protest sumore...
And if one doesn't like the distraction on the blog page, then one shouldn't have considered putting it there in the begining. Nonsense. I won't mind earning that sort of money if only i have a lil more initiative in looking up the info about Adsense....

I left my comment in his post. stating that I find it hypocritical of him to protest against something that he'd earned $500 from in 2 years...
RM2000 is not alot for work in 2 years..but what have you done to earn that RM2000? Put some codes in your front page? RM2000 to copy and paste codes on a computer.That would be a great part time job you know.

oh...so so so so soooooo sorry!!!!
i forgot again...
you guys are hippies...
sorry yeah....

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Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...