
Valentine's Day meme

1) Do you celebrate?
Answer : Sometimes...depends lah..if tat time got nice grilled chicken..then celebrate lah..
wait..vday is not eat chicken day?...oh..sorry lah.. :P

2) If you don’t, do you feel a bit embarrassed about it?
Answer :NOPES...im proud to be one of the non celebraters (this year)...
PROUD ! PROUD , you hear me????? but then i dun mind getting gifts lah :D
you know lah, thick skin people...

3) Do you have anyone to wish? Like you know…special people? Dare to name him/her/them?
Answer :
1)Lim Khuan Heng....
my mum
You know..valentine's day isnt for sweet sweet mushy mushy lovebirds ya...
if its to celebrate ones love for others..then why not for mothers also...
(I can hear some of you saying, Thats why we have Mother's Day ,you idiot!)

2)Kathy Tan a.k.a. Ling
Happy Valentine's Day to you my dear dear dear friend :)
You are Thin and Pretty yeah!!
Stay that way :)...
I love you always...(as a super duper harasho friend )
4) Was there a Valentine’s Day that you will forever remember?
Answer : 1.

5) What do you say if I ask you to write a secret love note to someone (anon) you admire and publish it on your blog? You think you can find the word for them? You have the courage? Yes?

Orait....here we go..

My Dearest, (whoever who wants to be)...

It could have been a long time since I've got to know you, or it could've been a short time. God knows. One thing I know is, wherever you are now, I can only hope for your happiness in life. That you will know to enjoy the simple things in life. That you know, I'll be praying for you, so that your heart will be filled with love and warmth all the time. People around you will love you and care for your needs . That you will be happy. Even when the time will come, that you will not even remember of my existance in your life before, I will still miss you. And when it comes to the point where you will blank me out of your memory, I will still hope for you. All this will be, so that you will know .However much it will take from me. I want to love you.


..abit the scary punya love letter.. like wanna stalk ppl punya love letter..
btw..its an open love letter okay!
dun simply think!

Happy Vday ya'll !

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"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
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