
More of camp

SFC Winter Camp...
boy oh boy, you'll be so bored of me before the end of this post..
another camp post...


Camp was great.
To some extent that it was very fulfiling, very powerful..
maybe even very "encounter-ful", b u t camp wasn't that great too...

We had horrible food for 5 days.
So horrible that it was not picture worthy like ones we had previous year. Potatoes, rice, bread, orange color stuff with meat in it and more bread. One of the breakfast we had this lump of "something" that nobody was exactly sure what was it. I put sour cream on very spoonful.

The first night when we arrived, me and PangWeiSoon worked over dinner time and found out that the cafeteria had closed. No food for the night. No water. Thank God I brought some biscuits and bread.

Bad food experience aside.(you know what does food mean to me right...so don't you dare judge me on what I think about food... *sharp stare...*)

The messages were all relevant to me. As I said earlier, alter calls were not popular in camps like "this" ,though, we had 1 in 10 of the sermons. Yes, we had 10 sermons...oh, no no...8 preachings and 2 teachings... :D of course alot of ppl fell asleep. We're not robots you know.

Every single prayer we made at the camp came with a revelation and a strong assurance that God was right there listening. We prayed for Russia, and I cried my heart out for Moscow...

Oh yeah, in the 3 full days and 2 half days... we Malaysians(from Moscow) were given 2 hours to have short games. Thanks to our M1 massive boss, Dalvin, it worked out. Well if you don't know already, we had a dress-up game. Using things like (my 5cm thick stack) Ikea Paper, Cellophane tape, expensive toilet rolls..etc. you understand rite.

We had short games in between preachings(Thank God for that!) too.

And how can you go to camp and not make friends!
I met some cool nice people from all over d world...like Malaysia, and Russia, and..er..Africa? Malaysians were a bunch at the camp. Kursk and Volgo ppl were 'massive!'. Dunno why no nishny people leh?

This is a long enough post to bore enough people d..
I WILL stop here...
Long enough for you , ling?

More pix up soon..


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"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...