
What do you call..


That was the question.

Oh, I call Wee Kee.

Humidity and slow internet connection - these are the 2 things which currently best describes home. Maybe our idea of Dom39 Pasar Malam has spoiled all the surprises which hides beneath the spoon. Or perhaps the thought of loading another porn youtube video gives me the chills. Do you have any idea how awkward it is to wait 30 minutes to load a porn clip and then turns out that she's a he!.. ahem. I mean. Youtube rocks! I'm weeks87, chicks are lining up for me, I don't need pr0n :P

Also, I have officially forgotten everything I've learned from RSMU for the past 6 years. All I know now is how to take short cut from the Curve to Damansara Perdana.

Hope you're doing fine too.

No, really. Maybe. Maybe Zoo Negara has ém too.



Everybody has their own level of normality. 

Like how today on the radio, the DJ read a small food for thought kinda thing, he said, "when faced with a dilemma, write down on 4 different pieces of paper, the consequence of any action towards: yourself, your family, your friends and your commitments(studies, work). He then continued to say, every different situation carries a different weight on all of these 4 things, no one solution that emphasizes on any a certain thing only, is perfect for every situation. Sometimes, sometimes, we choose which one we would rather protect... even though it might not be the right one..

Coming home for the 6th(?) time for 6 years is slowly changing my perception of normal. Like how I keep thinking that everything is so damned expensive, even though everything has always been this expensive, at least for the past 3 years. I still remember the old TV channels' channel number, how every Monday and Thursday is squash day, and every Saturday we play football in the morning, and cybercafe in the afternoon. That's basically the definition of home to me. My normal.

6 years is a long time... 6 years - the same amount of time to enter primary school, and graduate it into puberty, the amount of years which KLCC took to complete. 72 months, when a meal used to cost RM 2.20, and now RM 4.50. Maybe we were too trapped in the other reality and froze ourselves of this one. Maybe I'd hoped too hard that when I was not here, everything would stay the same, awaiting my return. Maybe I'd thought that I'd be able to go and come back in a rush, quick enough that nothing would've changed yet. To be honest, I didn't recognize my family when I first saw them..

Normality... or maybe 6 years of "there" has indented itself so deep into my being, that "here" has became "there". Vice versa. I find myself feeling awkward in the LRT where nobody says excuse me, or "Вы будете выходить?" . 4 seats are actually only 2 because everybody is to shy to sit beside somebody else. Even when the train is packed. I can't sleep at night, trying to breathe "my air", but realizing that my air is blocked by a 10-storey construction site.

Suddenly, I miss the smell of my good ol' 15 floor.


Chips and Soya Bean


trully aseah :D


need to buy :
comic books
soft drinks


Airport and the Airport People

The good thing about NOT being a writer is whenever Microsoft Words dies on you while saving your completed work, you do not have to worry about being fired.

So the entire hour spent typing in a restaurant which gave me such interesting inspiration, gone. Anyhow, lemme tell my story anyhow. Anyhow.

As much as I hate flying in an airplane (the food, the seats and the person next to you), I love being in an airport. I feed on the pretense and atmosphere that an airport carries. The life and movement in an airport is like no other which you can find anywhere else. The diversity, the richest of the dark skins among the poorest of the whites. The weirdest of people who, interestingly can afford air travel. And when you see a white man lying asleep on the floor, he's probably the most adventurous person in the world. Then that moment that you came across a Vietnamese looking fellow, and suddenly he's uncivilized and dirty and probably rides the motorcycle in his home country. An hour ago, I've spent an amount of money in one of the many (?) restaurants here in Dubai Airport, for some pastries and a coffee. That restaurant offers a buffet of internation breakfast for roughly the same amount of money. And just directly opposite that restaurant, about a hundred people are lining up for the same food, but only for free. Now don't let my spend-dad's-money-like-water issue bump you out, hear me out aight?

Since the beginning of air travel, which was initially meant for the rich and glamorous, the rich and glamorous has been trying to widen this invisible gap that separates them, with the non-them. I do believe that commercial airlines are nothing but a method of transportation, which focuses on their glorified restaurant which travels across continents. People do believe in quick and hassle-free transportation, of course, but rich people, they believe in not including anyone else in their travels too. First Class lounges, separate terminals, and lobsters on a plane were meant precisely to do that. Only that. If I wanted to eat with poor people, I'd go a McDonalds, but I'm paying 10 times more than you, just so that I don't have to look you in the eye while eating my lobsters. Then people like Richard Branson and Tony Fernandes came along and “changed” the game for those people. Now everybody can have a taste of what being rich is all about, well sort of. It’s like buying a knock off China-made iPhone for your 15 year old child, saving a thousand dollars too. Heck, even monks are flying nowadays. Today, what’s left that separates the rich and the not so rich, the thin cloth dividing the First Class folks, with the rest of the population. If you’re not behind that piece of cloth, you’re not really anything.

Middle class people, or middle-classers as I want to refer them as here, rule the airports. We will rape the airport until every drip of her free items is pooped out. We’re filling our baby bottles with the water from the water fountain, we’re missing our flights for that cup of free coffee, and yes, we will test every single perfume they have to offer in the duty free shops. Middle-classers strive in this airport environment simply because of the climate that it is grown in. No, we’re not stinking rich, but we’re not poor as well. And when the lounges are 40USD$, I’m paying! The day that Emirates Business Class Lounge opened to the public for an entrance fee of 45USD$, it became a market for the not-too-poor. Unclassy folks were putting sandwiches in their pockets, stealing soaps and shampoos, leaving the real rich guys stranded, with nowhere to run. If you’re not flying First Class, you’d be better off lining up in Burger King, than be stuck in a “lounge”. 

Directly opposite the restaurant where I had my expensive breakfast, a hundred people are still lining up for their free food. In the restaurant, there were about 15 people, most of us on our own table in front of the laptop(the place did not even have wi-fi). That image, is the definition of division of class. Separated by the shops, looking directly at each other. Would you pay 20USD$ for a cup of coffee? Maybe, just maybe, in our lifetime, rich folks will think of a new way of defining themselves again. The pretense is endless; the air is thick with the sense of superiority. “I might not be rich, but I can afford the lifestyle, just until the announcement lady calls my flight number. Just for a moment.”

Perhaps one day we will see a First Class only flight, I mean they have all-suites hotel everywhere don’t they? Perhaps we will even have airline companies devoted totally to serving them rich bastards. Until that day, which I believe is not too far away, I’ll enjoy my 20USD$ coffee, until my dad finds out.

Au Revoir !


Sweet Type of a Bitter

Finally heading home after being "stuck" in Moscow for the past 20 days.
Oh the anticipation.

I long for the smell of my room. The noise from my traffic. Water from my showers.

This few days had made me more into a tourist than any other have. My POV has been foreign-fied to the point that I felt the need to carry a book whenever going out. The need to take a picture of everything interesting and yellow. Thank God, I am too poor to own a camera.

Can't wait to be in a proper car, where the air-cond functions as the coolerizing shizzamathing. The familiar unfamiliarity. The sweet type of bitter, also known as the durian taste.

The difference between clean, fresh air and the air, which belongs to me, and grew up with me.

Going home and coming back, for the last time :)



I'm a person who appreciates peace. It's not that I like it all the time.   
I simply appreciate it.
Life is definitely a roller-coaster like how Robbie said it, there are up's and there are downs... but the thing about a roller-coaster is this, it is almost always terribly fast, and when it is slow, you better be getting ready for the drop.

A lot of time in my life I've been put into(or stepped into, myself) many different roller coasters. More recently, these roller-coasters have become more of a routine taxi ride for me. A loop is nothing but a curb, and when it drops... I simply buckle up.

Whenever peace comes around, it is like the silence between the music in a song, or what we call the "kick". It cannot be missed and it feels like kneading dough with your hands.
Even more recently, I've discovered peace in many different ways...

1. Peace
when the whole world has deserted you and you have nothing left, but green grass and white clouds.

2. Peace
when the whole world has decided to show up and you have nothing left, but green grass and white clouds. and the cross.

3. Peace
when you rather hurt than feel nothing at all.

(8) it's a quarter after one and i'm all alone and i (reallyy.) need you now. please....


Start Over

walking fast do not wanna stay pressed
walking pass do not wanna digress
looking back do not wanna look back
staying here, theres nothing to last

turn around do not wanna look back
nothings here all but full of regrets
turn aside, what's with my pride
looking straight, this is the way.....

I just wanna be by yourside foreverrrr

Giving up giving all that I share
My offering, my pledge and my cares
Take it all and don't give it back
Walking on, this is Your way...

Can i ever hold on to you
To what is true
To what is right
To the everlasting light
Can i ever start over again.....

V - Cadd9 Em7
    Cadd9 Em7
    Cadd9 Em7
    cadd9 Dsus4

C - Cadd9 Dsus4 Em7 x 2 G - Cadd9

B -


Awesome No Exam Day!

Now I don't like posting how my day went and stuff like that... I'm no longer a little girl...


Such a productive day.
1. Got Paper Jamz Guitar !!!
Who needs an iPhone!

2. Got Coca-Cola limited edition Summer 2011 T-Shirt!!
Waited in line with a bunch of aunty uncle to redeem my prize :)
finally coca-cola recognize my contribution to their company..

3. Got Wowie's keyboard!!
For future use !

I love post exam excitement:) Every year something stupid...


Grace. Mercy.

2005 October .

2011 June .

God, Thanks. For Your grace, for Your mercy.

For Your hands that holds me, and words that lifts me.

For Your hope that fills me, and love that, loves me.

God, Moscow is and will always be the best choice that You have chosen for me.

Simply because You are God.

This journey. Is one. That is of grace and mercy...
I'm speechless over the sensation which has overcome me since the dawn of the day. I am drowned in the thought of my mind, what it imagines. Filled to the brim with what is taking over my senses. Touches that surpass surrealism and yet dwells in reality. I am lost for all my parts in thoughts, words and action. 

All in all, I am thankful to God, that He has brought me from a handsome young man of x age, into the becoming of a handsome older(but still young) man. 
Now equipped with experience and knowledge. 
Ready to tackle the remaining 1 year as a senior in a medical school.


Tomoro exam !

So I typed this super long post for like the past 2 hours.. looking for references and stuff..

then I stumbled upon this and just decided it was sufficient to smile to myself and continue studying...

*breathes out.......fuhhhhh*


The Spiritual Post

Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all nature,
O Thou of God and man the Son,
Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honor,
Thou, my soul's glory, joy and crown.

You are unfailing God
Your loves unending
And Your word is eternal
Firm in the heavens its stands
Though sorrows my condition
And pain holds back no blow
Though this be my darkest hour
Your lamp is leading me home
Youll find me singing

Wonderful, beautiful, glorious, matchless in every way
Wonderful, beautiful, glorious, matchless in every way

The whole reason why God is God, is because He is God.
The reason why you are who, where, why you are , is because He is God.
The human soul will never be at peace, lest he understand that there is no paradox.
There is just an everlasting God, who knows the end from the beginning.
For God is not mocked, a man reaps what he sows... and is God a man that He should lie?
What He says, He will fulfill.
His promises can be claimed. His words can be spoken. His grace is always sufficient.

Cause I need you Jesus, to come to my rescue.



What a chilling day .

It's about 5 days until my final 5th year exam (which turned out to be the toughest one) and I am already imagining how I would beg myself into just getting a passing mark. Batchmates are playing rugby downstairs, going jogging and shopping.

This is what 5 years (or 6) of stressed fill exams have led us to become. :)
And it's awesome. It's awesome when you can do an exam with practically 0 stress. Since everything will be like how it has been...chances of not doing well is like 5%.

I have about 200MCQs to study and 80structural and 40cases to study plus actually studying the book before Wednesday. So what.

It's the weekend man.
If don't play now, play when?

Feels great to play with a cat after so long...



maybe, it's time to grow up...

take care stan,kyle,eric and kenny... and you too butters.



Constant pain is the price of health.
- Scott Meyer (Basic Instructions)

What a productive night. Just a billion more pages to go with about 24 hours to my exams.
All that we studied about the male system was in a dumb cycle called Urology(which is technically not strictly Male) for a week where there was no exams for it. What we are studying for the female, spans 4 semester of Medical School, 8 weeks in total, 250 MCQs and 100 over cases for a State Exam.
And half of the problems can be solved with a lil self control...

Do you know that if a woman gets too much sweet stuff, she will start to itch down there. FACT.

The sun is bright and shinning.

5.38am :)

Good morning Moscow, today your horoscope says that it is the perfect day to encounter unicorns and fairies.. So drink up your coffee and start looking up to the sky !

                                                 I'm not a unicorn...



He still remains
He'll never change
He's the everlasting God.


Studying for an exam is like eating too much, just to reach a target weight.
Everybody knows that most of the things studied during these midnight cramping sessions will go to waste the moment the exam ends, just like the moment you go back to your regular eating regime, your weight will return back to normal.

wait, thats not right.

oh i must be high on cocacola again.




Stand by me...

Times are hard when things have got no meaning,
Ive found a key upon the floor,
Maybe you and I will not believe in,
The things we find behind the door.

So whats the matter with you,
Sing me something new,
Dont you know the cold and wind and rain dont know,
They only seem to come and go away

The cold and wind and rain only knows how to come and go away.
Today Ps. Oleg Popov said that many things around us will not change. They may be temporary, but they may never change. They only seem to come and go away.

Can't believe that in a month's time, I am done for the year and back home to my sweet bed and the smell of my house. Can't believe that the whole reason that I started blogging in my old blog was to log down my days in Moscow, will cease to exist. And I might have to start a new blog soon.

Can't believe so many things.

It's important to keep on believing. Because Oleg Popov said that it is your system of values, that determine your mindset, and your mindset will determine your beliefs. And your actions, is nothing more than the manifestation of your beliefs.

Hang on sloopy, sloopy hang on...



It's not that the world is so complicated. Sometimes, it's just the way that things are.
No understanding required.

A day before my exam and it's baking hot in the room. Just ran out of coke. You can't live without coke.




Oh my goodness it is hot in here.

Sweat has got no chance of escaping before being evaporated by the dryness.

Hope cold air blow to my room tonight.

-weeks 31.05.2011


The Manly Way

So I am deliberately failing and calling it strength of character, and I'm calling it The Manly Way to live.


Feels weird to write and talk to myself 1am on Friday alone in the room.
What happened to weekend party nights.



almost a year since my last post.


glad to have the birds chirping so early in the morning.

Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...