
What do you call..


That was the question.

Oh, I call Wee Kee.

Humidity and slow internet connection - these are the 2 things which currently best describes home. Maybe our idea of Dom39 Pasar Malam has spoiled all the surprises which hides beneath the spoon. Or perhaps the thought of loading another porn youtube video gives me the chills. Do you have any idea how awkward it is to wait 30 minutes to load a porn clip and then turns out that she's a he!.. ahem. I mean. Youtube rocks! I'm weeks87, chicks are lining up for me, I don't need pr0n :P

Also, I have officially forgotten everything I've learned from RSMU for the past 6 years. All I know now is how to take short cut from the Curve to Damansara Perdana.

Hope you're doing fine too.

No, really. Maybe. Maybe Zoo Negara has ém too.

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