
Even The Sky Is Crying...

It has been a cold and rainy summer-end...

Moscow hates herself.

My legs have been hurting for quite a number of days due to the non-stop walking in and out of the room asking people to wait for their turn.
Malaysians sometimes do listen attentively, especially if their money depended on it.
But they do not read.

I guess I shouldn't be rainbowing too much...even home is pouring over the greens. Mr. Green, Mrs. Green and Ms Green.

Going to BDHX tomoro to go find out what an orangery is...
Is it an orchard or isit a restaurant.


No pictures of anything yet.
Haven't buy my comp...
Pocket burning from price increment of everything. My oil was around 35rubles when I first arrived...3 years later it doubled.
Mineral water is now 25rubles...no longer 16rubles like last year.


how la
how la


I have arrived safely, unfortunately(ok la..fortunately)




I guess the enthusiasm is not as high as the previous few years...

Anyhow, welcome back moscow.


It's that time of year again...only this time,it's more interesting

Will I see you again, Malaysia..?

2 days left before I fly off to potatoes, cabbages, and 2(TWO) years of unmalaysianess...

Of course I'm gonna say what I miss the most.
Wearing shorts out, slippers, pajamas, plain t-shirts.
Eating off the streets(not shaurma), buying random food everywhere, always have enough money to eat(Rm1 can buy nasi lemak), "normal tasting food".
Call of Dutying
Eating, more
Party-ing(well, sort of)
Yam Charing
Riana Greening
All the time :D
Waking up @ noon
Not sleeping at all...
Sleeping @ noon
I'm running out of words already..oh,oh..

and all my fellow sausages out there...
Gonna miss all you peeps.

2 years without a sight of Malaysia, can be very tough...
I need to absorb as much of it as possible before I really fly off.


N.B. Wall-e was superb. Probably be better if it was slightly longer on some parts, esp the pikat girl part, was too cute.


omnia vincit amor Part 2

2 hardest things to contemplate in life, Richard Curry once told Paul, are failure and age, and those are one and the same. Perfection is the natural consequence of eternity: wait long enough and anything will realize its potential.

Coal becomes diamonds, sand becomes pearls, apes become men. It's simply not given to us, in one lifetime, to see those consummations, and so every failure becomes a reminder of death.

BUT LOVE LOST IS A SPECIAL KIND OF FAILURE, I think. It's a reminder that some consummations, no matter how devoutly wished for, never come, that some apes will never be men, not in all the world's ages. What's a monkey to think, who with a typewriter and eternity still can't eke out Shakespeare?

..Paul's dead???Oh no!!
Need to finish this book!


Love Conquers All

excerpt from The Rule of Four(pg 315) ;
"What do you see?"
On the right side of the picture were two naked women. On the left side , a baby boy beating a much larger and more muscular satyr.
"I don't know," I said, unsure which side of that picture I was supposed to be learning from.
"That," my father said, pointing to the boy,"is Love."
He Let it sink in.
"He's not supposed to be on your side. You fight with him; you try to undo what he does to others. But he's too powerful. No matter how much we suffer, Virgil says, our hardships cannot move him."

Love is a noun, a verb, an adjective and the invisible...
It does not need solving.


Boo Hoo...no one's blogging anymore..

Dropped byKennySia ,a very short update..
Clicked on XiaXue ... also same, no updates one, always also video video video...
Cheeserland also like that...all single videos and pictures only one..and no new updates
The ever trusty JeffOoi too busy to blog already.. everyday fly here fly there
The MrBrown and MrMiyagi duo seems to be updating less and less
ST, Suan, Ky all kinda boring already...grow up la..still party everyday...
Rojaks still ok la..but now become Rojaks 3-days-1 post instead of Rojaks Daily..

Now my hope lies on Tun for daily updates.


Today will meet vernzzz again.
Makan Makan..
Maybe go Riana Green..

Dunno Riana will have time or not.
Feel like going fishing la...
But so expensive..

Currently reading: The Rule Of Four..
Not bad la the writing but the story abit the duh..
300pages d still talk about first day only.
Sien abit la

feel like reading next : Susan Minot, Monkeys but cannot find in paylessbooks.com.my
Have to go buy in MPH...$$$!

OH OH OH!!! Evening by Susan Minot got made into a movie last year...
So proud to have my favorite author's work on the big screen and I can now tell everybody that I've read a lesser known book !

...although, the movie sucked.


Today in The Star...

Go check out the StarKids section...
Today the kids sent in their drawings of their, ladies and gentlemen, Mobile Phones.

Chew Yu Qian, 10, says: A handphone adds color to my life. I cannot live without one.

Choh Xie Yie, 11, thinks that with a handphone, she can chat all she wants. "If you are using a public phone, you can't talk too long because other people might need to use the phone" she says.

Seven year old Ooi Sim Bok is happy he has a handphone to call someone special every Saturday.

Khoo Yi Qi, 10, gets RM 50 a month to top up her handphone. She is pleased that she can call her friends with her handphone.

Wong XiMei, 8, writes: " My daddy will give me a handphone when I am 11 years old. Poor me. I have to wait 3 more years."


What else can I say right?
I'm sure the special someone is sure darn happy to receive a call every Saturday.
And poor me, my daddy doesn't give me RM50 a month to top up my phone...lousy daddy...


Err...Oh My Goodness?

Seriously loh...what on earth am i doing..
Wayne Rooney is earning billions per year.
Sharapova is earning billions per few years.
Fakhrul is getting married next week...

I'm at home blogging...

Congrats dude!!
Fakhrullah a.k.a. superman!


W H A T T H E H A N C O C K !!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwyI-Q4hWLc !!!!


"When you sell a man a book,

you don't sell him 12 ounces of

paper and ink and glue-

you sell him a whole new life."

-Christopher Morley

wa lau ehh..

2 more weeks then i bye bye malaysia for 2 years..
yao mou...

Routine back home :-

Afternoon-wake up , eat , TV , www.flash-games.net , eat , online
Evening-eat , TV , www.miniclip.com , confirm snooker or cod or boardgames , drink
Night-eat , TV(must watch at night) , online , snooker or COD or boardgames
Midnight-eat(mamak/McD) , online , www.flash-games.net , sleep ...

almost like everyday...
damn siok weh..

Remaining Check-List Items.
1)repair cool phone
2)repair ariel the laptop
3)buy Bang
4)buy HD and format and install
5)More snooker
6)More COD
7)More boardgames

Sometimes...I forget that I'm an engineering student...
Eh..i mean med student..


My Gift...

...to a world of safe driving and safe roads.

Damage : Rm 30.

I was being my ignorant and selfish self and not thinking about the safety of other drivers on the road when Jamie called and told me that he'll be late to Pelita SS2.
I answered the call and being the pathetic incompetent driver that I am, I did not even put on the hands-free kit nor put it on loudspeaker.
I drove like I owned the road. Jalan Ong Wee Kee, 47600, Petaling Jaya.

Then the good hearted and sensitive police officer noticed my intolerable behavior and asked me to pull to the side. He asked me if I knew what I did wrong.

Guilty as charged. I admitted.

He asked me to step out of the car, probably wanted me to have a feel of the atmosphere along the highway, so that I would finally understand how dangerous is it to maneuver a vehicle while handling a mobile phone. I solemnly and awfully felt the shame that I was enduring. I was so selfish!

He wrote down my offenses and told me the total amount of fine that I would need to pay when meeting the Head Officer in the Ministry.

Maybe it was a sparkle in my eyes or perhaps it was a tiny bit of compassion that stirred him to these words "I know that you are a student, you can't possibly afford this. I want to know...just, how can I help you". A tear was about to form in the lake of my eyes...Seriously!

He asked me in a very slow tone, "How much do you have right now?" and I opened my wallet to show him a few bank notes that I had just withdrawn from the ATM a couple of hours ago.

"Normally, this amount would not have sufficed for this kind of offense, but I can't penalize a repented heart...Alright," he said with much hesitation,"Rm 30 it is...but please be praying that your heart will understand, it had cost me more to forgive you"

"Yes sir,I will never forget"I answered him...regretfully.

The drive along LDP was one of the longest that I had ever. The guilt kept weighing in...

Then once I was in the SS2 area, Kehliang called...

K:"Ooi! Where are you la?"
W:"Blardy hell, got saman-ed la...stupid Jamie call me wrong time..
K:"Alar, where are you now la?"
W:"Oh, I'm still driving there la"


I Got PS-ed For The Very First Time !!!


My PASSPORT photo got photoshopped by the photographer.
He was a typical 50y.o. man who happened to have some extra time and he removed 3 pimples off my face..

And smoothened my face too.

And made me a little bit fairer

And gay-ed up my entire day..



Talking in pictures from mrbrown on Vimeo.

This brought a yawn-induced-tear to my eyes...

Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...