
wa lau ehh..

2 more weeks then i bye bye malaysia for 2 years..
yao mou...

Routine back home :-

Afternoon-wake up , eat , TV , www.flash-games.net , eat , online
Evening-eat , TV , www.miniclip.com , confirm snooker or cod or boardgames , drink
Night-eat , TV(must watch at night) , online , snooker or COD or boardgames
Midnight-eat(mamak/McD) , online , www.flash-games.net , sleep ...

almost like everyday...
damn siok weh..

Remaining Check-List Items.
1)repair cool phone
2)repair ariel the laptop
3)buy Bang
4)buy HD and format and install
5)More snooker
6)More COD
7)More boardgames

Sometimes...I forget that I'm an engineering student...
Eh..i mean med student..

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Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...