
The overuse of ...

God so loved the world
That He gave
God so loved the world
That he gave his only son

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain

He's risen from the dead
He is risen
He's high and lifted up
Heaven and earth adore

It's in Isaiah 9:6 where its written
"For to us a child is born,to us a son is given "

I'm not even gonna explain why we celebrate Easter Sunday and Good Friday and Palm Sunday and all the Lent things and Holy Week...(if you're over 15years of age, you should've already done a Google search on all everything there is to search for. After all, it is the INFOMATION technology, right?A normal youth goes online 10hours a day on average...3hours porn-3hours IM-3hours blog, you should have an hour left to do the googling, on average.

Do yourself a favour and look up the meaning on your own,oraiz?)

...because, in reality, you won't even begin to understand the extraodinarygreatlysuperhumogouslyawesome-ness of the whole thing, until it begins in your life.

You won't begin to grasp the tiniest reason why we're so grateful to have such a day

You won't even begin to see the joy in our hearts whenever words like "He is risen" is sung

Let alone understand why this mean more than anything to us...this 3 ordinary day that is extra-ordinary in everyway...


We know(by now you should have done your googling) Jesus went to the grave on a very Good Friday...

...and the Son of God Himself walked out from cave He was entombed within, He had just shattered the law of the univers.

death is dead. Jesus took over.

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Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...