

Scared you didn't I?
These pictures were taken this morning right after I woke up, when I realised that the windows were blurry and snowflakes gushing into my room...

This is Spring.
My beloved Russian teacher used to say that
"Russia has 9months of winter, and 3months we shall wait for the summer to come"
. I guess I was right when I said earlier that we love our winters here.

UP:See...even the roads are confused...Or is that a smiley face?
DOWN:Nice view leh from my room...like watching black and white tv lidet.

This was Spring...
I know I look better this year...don't need to state the obvious.
If you need to comment, just tell me that I've always looked good. That will do.

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Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...