
Hectic week

Phew, I'm glad its the weekends already.(Don't burst my bubble la..I know its still Thursday)

How does one deal with changes in his/her life?..
I'm not talking about the change in diet, nor something small like the change in sleeping time...

How do you handle changes that will change your life?

A little deep there but it is the exact question my brain is asking my heart right now.

I was reading the book "How to be a Christian without being religious" and there was one part where it was mentioned

'everyone is looking for the same things in life, they may present themselves as
other things but generally, its all the same.

Confidence, peace, love, hope, happiness, security and accomplishment.'

Where does "assurance" come in within those categories uh?
Sometimes it all just feels like a river flowing mundane-ly. No warning where the next waterfalls will be. Just happy with the flow.

Taking things for granted.

ahhh...sometimes it feels so nice to have a clear purpose.
Sometimes it doesn't.

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Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...