
Valentine's Day Post

Is Valentine's Day overated?...
If you ask me..I'd say it depends.

Depend on what?
If you'll ask me again, I'l say many things.

Many things like what?
You still wanna ask me?...


I've had my share of Vday actually, maybe not enough to be telling you what you should or should not do when it comes to you (like many other "pro" bloggers would). Personally, I like the kinds of days like this. A day that we can actually celebrate something that's real...

We don't need the moon to tell us where to look, nor do we need the dates and figures to determine the time and day to rejoice...
We celebrate because we know what to celebrate...
There's no need to count it on paper the length of "You laffu me" and "I laffu you". You just simply know.

It's strange that super-lovey-dovey-honey-money(cant thnk of other rhyming words)-mushy-wooshy-usshy-yeeeee-so-kawaii!!! couples don't see the picture others are seeing, that "Vday is nothing but a money making scheme to sell more chocolates and flowers and ligeries" more recently.

Not that it's wrong to buy chocolates...In fact, its not wrong at all. So what if BoyA chooses to spend USD50 on a box of chocolates with some fine "i love you always" prints on them. His whole life at this point of time is about nothing else except for the sweet little laugh that GirlA will chuckle out ... Nothing else really matters anymore... No. Nothing else at all, matters.

I get jealous sometimes(actually always)(nolah..sometimes...)(wait..abit more then sometimes..but not always la..)(u know la..:P) whenever I see 2 love birds fooling around with their noses and strands of hair, knowing that tomorrow will be another day that they can celebrate together, whatever the occasion will be.

Corny as it might sound, Valentine's
Day is like New Years Day to them maybe..haha

Once, I shared a sun set/rise with someone halfway around the world...
At that moment in time, I'd give away all I have, just to experience it all over again...
Even when we know that the sun will only be there, as the earth rotates away from it. I'd give my whole world away, then.

To me, this is what Valentine's Day is about. It doesn't simply celebrate the love you have for the other half..or maybe even your love for a certain family member, or a bff.

It celebrates this very moment of time.

This Very Second.

You are this much, .... in love with her/him .

Because however deep you can love right now, can and at times, will turn sour in matters of a few disagreements. But it will never take away the fact that you fell in love with the perfect person at the perfect timing, with the perfect setting and surroundings...right now.

Learn to love...Live to love...


Anonymous said...

Eh. Good one. =) Long time ago, everyone gushes about Vday, especially couples. After a few decades, they start to realise that it's so commercialised la, florists make bombs of money on that day la, don't need one special day of the year to pay extra attention to that loved one la, chocolates so cliched la, blablabla, even I am guilty of that.

But it's time that we celebrate it for what it is for once after all that tiring 'wah i'm so special for thinking that/agreeing to the not-so-special occasion that is Vday'

. . . Or maybe I'm just not right in the mind....

Anonymous said...

Nice one Weeks :) Love the way you wrote it.

Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...