
sladkiy dom...

home never tasted this sweet...
and choky(from the haze)

almost teared when touched down today



Check Out Post...

I guess its time to do that customary post again...

I cant really believe it myself...

This year has been a very "almost" year. In almost every sense (you see...)

Coming into 2nd year, I had very low expectations of the subjects and thought that most of them are going to be rather easy, I mean, we had Chemistry, Physics and Biology in 1st year, now we're having Biochemistry, Physiology and Microbiology...How hard can it be right?

Well, I was almost right, Physio and Microb was rather easy at the begining.
Groupmates all hit off right at the begining...group makan-makans and group pontengs

2nd year is the honeymoon year everyone said it was supposed to be.

Until late October.

Eric decided to break the Fellowship into 3 small groups to personalized discipleship
, I was one of the group leaders and I had to do alot of PR work just to check on them every few days or so.
Then christmas bash came, the call for us to pledge is one of the biggest challenge I've taken, God asked me if I am going to share with him, or give to him?..
God pulled me through 2months plus of sitting at His feet.

God pulled off Christmas Bash into a success we've never imagined.

I almost broke down and gave up in the midst of so many things...and we all know that December is zachut season, never cried so much before in my life...

Anat and Histo came and went like a wind. Miracles in both exams. Almost got avtomat for Anat and almost screwed up my Histo for not getting avtomat.

R MSA elections. Possibly one of the few big mistakes I've purposely made this year. I was above my own head in making this decision. God help me.
With R mSa, I now have to balance studies, MF, church, cat, self and msa R...where all of them have their own activities daily...
except for self, when I don't really have any self activities anymore.

Almost didn't get a 5 for Physio,Biochem...got 4 for microb

You know what, this year pretty much sucked because of the tiny little details that make them suck so hard.
I have 2 laptops right now, 1 is eric's and 1 is ariel..
Ariel is in permanent coma while eric's laptop cant function w/o a fan and a bottle of ice under it. Which consequently freezes my hands too. with the window wide open in winter.

I have shortage of greenbags so often that I had not bought any green vege for over few months already. I survived on flour and water for about 2months around January.

So many little things, that was supposed to make life great, didn't.

Praise God it's over.
but its not.
MSRA work is still not done and I stupidly had to go for a fishing trip which i can't afford.

I'm going back late and coming back early.
Spending less than a month with my family.
Do I suck or what?

Gosh...I feel like killing someone, then kill the person who sees me killing him.

Good bye 2nd year.
Good bye Moscow


... le , le , Turkiye...
Just came back from one of the most exciting trip of my entire ~ life...
Have you ever been surrounded by 370 Missionaries who go to places where you can be put into prison for being a "M" (in Turkey, Missionaries are regarded as Al Qaeda, so they use the abbv M). Or go to the poorest country in Europe to set up an anti sex-trade foundation to help young girls. Or get kicked out of countries for the sake of your faith...

A 60-ish looking couple American are about to go into the city of __(something i can't pronounce)__ in Russia where there is no hospital, no clean water supply, definitely no internet and GPRS system...
For what? To spread the gospel lah, what else...

Mind you, these 370 people are not poor people back in the States, they are people who have big houses(as i eavesdropped in the bus) and big cars...They fund most of their own trips and take only basic salaries from the main umbrella.


What some more? The main pastor who shared the word in the retreat is the head pastor from Central Assembly of Assemblies of God.The biggest denomination in the world right now, and the head pastor of the headquarters came to share...Seriously life changing messages...
It did mine.

Oh, there was this guy from Morocco or America and went to Morocco, has a PhD in Plant Pathology, but decides to go into ministry...
These people are nuts! Nuts for Jesus!

Nut from Morocco

The main guy, Pastor Omar Beiler from America, he grew up in an Omish community, sort of like a Middle Eastern culture with Christian beliefs.
He accepted Jesus into his heart when he went to this revival meeting done by a Missionary who lives in a boathouse(because the area was too poor) somewhere in the jungles of Africa...
The moment Omar heard his story, he said to himself, "this is what i want to do with my life"

The next M that he went to his meeting, lived in a mudhut in another African country(again, the area was too poor)...and again, Omar said the same thing...

Can you feel the passion for Jesus there? Do you want to live in a mud hut to preach Jesus?
Would you?

Omar Beiler - coordinator for Eurasia Region

The already mentioned head pastor for Central Assembly, Pastor Jim Bradford..

Well... of course its true that we got this all-expenses-paid trip(less souvenirs) to this 5 star beach resort by the Mediterranean Sea with soft white sand and cloudless sky with temperatures soaring at 40C for the entire week while you take a cold shower or dip into the pool right under the sun, not forgetting diving into the Mediterranean of a pier 2 meters high or from a rented private boat 3-4 meters high and food everywhere in the hotel for free at almost any hour of the day with fun activities like water polo or pool gladiator(which I won) or beach volleyball archery air gun etc, and even a night show every night and they had Notre Dam de Paris which was fantastic and then they had arm wrestling competition at the so-called disco
which had so many kids running around it...oh yeah, they had 5 diff water slides, one cooler than the other...this are Sunway Lagoon standard water slides...and oh, 5 diff pools

but you know what it reminds me of the most, this place?

sort of the same temperature, same beach, got sea and pools and slides and buffets...


Anyways, all glory to God, this is trully one week of blessing...
seriously blessed kao kao...
Both physically and spiritually also...

N.B. All pictures from wowe's flickr site...
he is a good photographer...he took about1000 pics in this short 6 days,
Sam took 10? Flora took 30-40? I took 50 max?

Praise God!

oh yea, N.B. 2 ...the worship sessions were wonderful...people come up to us and tell us that they've not worshiped in English for a very long time and that just bring us to goosebumps...
And i realized that older people don't really like the bass guitar so much, so 5 of the 6 soundmen that we had put me at 0 volume at all times...
I had to ask to be turned on so that I can tune...imagine that...
And all the free food! woo hoo..


freedom does come with a price...

...of 1 last semester's colloq and a elaborated report on a minute topic...

NB: I feel like writing a heavy article on religion la...
maybe later when I'm supposed to be studying...


свободен я...

Where the Spirit of the Lord is
There is freedom
Where the Spirit of the Lord is
There is freedom

There is peace, there is love
There is joy

It is for freedom He's set us free
It is for freedom He's set us free

I'm free! (I'm free! I'm free!)
I'm free! (I'm free! I'm free!)
I'm free! (I'm free! I'm free!)
I'm free

We will walk in Your freedom, walk in Your liberty
We will walk, Lord
We will walk in Your freedom, walk in Your liberty
We will dance in Your freedom, dance in Your liberty
We will dance, Lord
We will dance in Your freedom, dance in Your liberty
We will jump in Your freedom, jump in Your liberty
We will jump, Lord
We will jump in Your freedom, jump in Your liberty

So today sorta almost finish everything
Just left Russian, then can call it a year already...
Wasted my time studying immunology(not really la, but still...). The teacher just asked 1 2 questions then in the end also will lepas one...

Today I slept and did not care about the time(or set an alarm, for that matter)
It's been a very long while since last I did that

Fishing trip!(Kelah and Kelisa's....)
Can't wait to go back home actually...seeing Satish and Nina fly on Monday. I gatal gatal have to go sign myself up for Turkey...and now have to wait 3 more weeks only can go back. Nina said it right the other day, she can't take it anymore...

what has this world become into...All for that little number 5..

"for what good is it to man, to gain the world, but to lose his own soul"

Jesus, you're right man...so right dude...


Words that makes you smile...

"I think that your answers are excellent. You make not cruel mistakes but you understand the mechanism. I like your answers. But sometimes your answers are very bad. But sometimes they are very good. Unfortunately, I can only give you a 4(good), but, I think you can get a 5(excellent)"
-Lurbubu biochem teacher...
.(not our favorite teacher(not even close)(at all), but still...)
Probably the best thing I've heard since Janet's random "Hey you grow taller ah?"

Now i feel like Nelly Furtado...
I'm not promiscuous la...Goodness, what you thinking lah.

I'm like a bird...




A comment by ... on Dr. M's Blog

As a Malaysian of Sri Lankan Tamil origin (4th Generation), I have always struggled when trying to identify myself as "Malaysian." Official forms always require me to state whether I am "Malay", "Chinese," "Indian" or "Lain-lain." My PMR registration form coded me as (2)Bukan Islam.

I really don't think that you have the right to criticise non-Malay Malaysians for clinging on to their ethnic identities, because your government systematically institutionalised and propagated such behaviour. You had the political clout and administrative power to make a chance and de-racialise Malaysia during your time as PM, and all you did was reinforce it further.

The real indigenous communities of Malaysia are the Orang Asli in Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak. Malays are as much immigrants as are Chinese and Indians. In fact, I have a few friends whose grandparents came to Malaysia from Indonesia in the 1930s (as compared to my great-grandfather who came here in the early 1900s) who are considered Malay/Bumiputera - how can that be fair?

A man of your stature and position should be promoting a Malaysia for all Malaysians regardless of race and religion. Yet you have chosen to scare your fellow Malays into becoming defensive and fearful of other races, while at the same time accusing non-Malay Malaysians of being racist.

Shame on you.

Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...