

A comment by ... on Dr. M's Blog

As a Malaysian of Sri Lankan Tamil origin (4th Generation), I have always struggled when trying to identify myself as "Malaysian." Official forms always require me to state whether I am "Malay", "Chinese," "Indian" or "Lain-lain." My PMR registration form coded me as (2)Bukan Islam.

I really don't think that you have the right to criticise non-Malay Malaysians for clinging on to their ethnic identities, because your government systematically institutionalised and propagated such behaviour. You had the political clout and administrative power to make a chance and de-racialise Malaysia during your time as PM, and all you did was reinforce it further.

The real indigenous communities of Malaysia are the Orang Asli in Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak. Malays are as much immigrants as are Chinese and Indians. In fact, I have a few friends whose grandparents came to Malaysia from Indonesia in the 1930s (as compared to my great-grandfather who came here in the early 1900s) who are considered Malay/Bumiputera - how can that be fair?

A man of your stature and position should be promoting a Malaysia for all Malaysians regardless of race and religion. Yet you have chosen to scare your fellow Malays into becoming defensive and fearful of other races, while at the same time accusing non-Malay Malaysians of being racist.

Shame on you.

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