
Check Out Post...

I guess its time to do that customary post again...

I cant really believe it myself...

This year has been a very "almost" year. In almost every sense (you see...)

Coming into 2nd year, I had very low expectations of the subjects and thought that most of them are going to be rather easy, I mean, we had Chemistry, Physics and Biology in 1st year, now we're having Biochemistry, Physiology and Microbiology...How hard can it be right?

Well, I was almost right, Physio and Microb was rather easy at the begining.
Groupmates all hit off right at the begining...group makan-makans and group pontengs

2nd year is the honeymoon year everyone said it was supposed to be.

Until late October.

Eric decided to break the Fellowship into 3 small groups to personalized discipleship
, I was one of the group leaders and I had to do alot of PR work just to check on them every few days or so.
Then christmas bash came, the call for us to pledge is one of the biggest challenge I've taken, God asked me if I am going to share with him, or give to him?..
God pulled me through 2months plus of sitting at His feet.

God pulled off Christmas Bash into a success we've never imagined.

I almost broke down and gave up in the midst of so many things...and we all know that December is zachut season, never cried so much before in my life...

Anat and Histo came and went like a wind. Miracles in both exams. Almost got avtomat for Anat and almost screwed up my Histo for not getting avtomat.

R MSA elections. Possibly one of the few big mistakes I've purposely made this year. I was above my own head in making this decision. God help me.
With R mSa, I now have to balance studies, MF, church, cat, self and msa R...where all of them have their own activities daily...
except for self, when I don't really have any self activities anymore.

Almost didn't get a 5 for Physio,Biochem...got 4 for microb

You know what, this year pretty much sucked because of the tiny little details that make them suck so hard.
I have 2 laptops right now, 1 is eric's and 1 is ariel..
Ariel is in permanent coma while eric's laptop cant function w/o a fan and a bottle of ice under it. Which consequently freezes my hands too. with the window wide open in winter.

I have shortage of greenbags so often that I had not bought any green vege for over few months already. I survived on flour and water for about 2months around January.

So many little things, that was supposed to make life great, didn't.

Praise God it's over.
but its not.
MSRA work is still not done and I stupidly had to go for a fishing trip which i can't afford.

I'm going back late and coming back early.
Spending less than a month with my family.
Do I suck or what?

Gosh...I feel like killing someone, then kill the person who sees me killing him.

Good bye 2nd year.
Good bye Moscow

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Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...