
Ceh...That one is it?? Chedet.

I think this is one of the best "Hidup Melayu" articles I've read...
Written by our very own Dr M....

Saya realist yang pegang kepada kenyataan. Memang Melayu menjadi Tuan dalam Tanah Melayu dahulu.

Tetapi kerana Melayu tidak berusaha melawan penjajah maka di zaman Tanah Melayu dijajah yang jadi “Tuan” dan yang dipanggil “Tuan” oleh orang Melayu sendiri ialah penjajah terutama British.

Kita boleh panggil diri kita “Tuan” tetapi jika kita terpaksa bergantung kepada orang lain dan kita menjadi kuli kepada mereka, memanggil diri kita Tuan tidak bermakna.

Dalam 50 tahun kita merdeka, kuasa politik ada pada kita. Ini membolehkan kita panggil diri kita “Tuan”. Tetapi kita tidak Tuan sepenuhnya.

Kita boleh jadi Tuan dengan ertikata yang bermakna jika orang Melayu berkebolehan dan berjaya dalam bidang ekonomi dan sosial juga. Ini boleh dihasilkan jika kita sanggup tuntut ilmu dan segala kemahiran dizaman teknologi tinggi. Tetapi kita amat kurang berusaha kearah ini. Kita lebih suka cari jalan mudah. Biar sahaja orang bekal segala-galanya kepada kita.......[continue reading @ ... HERE]

you know which part I exactly like?...
Kita boleh panggil diri kita “Tuan” tetapi jika kita terpaksa bergantung kepada orang lain dan kita menjadi kuli kepada mereka, memanggil diri kita Tuan tidak bermakna

Call yourself Tuans all you want, but until you have something to hold you up(and not NEPs), not many people are going to acknowledge any Tuan.

There was a comment to this post, about the colonial times in Melaka, Melaka was "founded" by Parameswara in the year 1402 and the Kesultanan Melayu Melaka held Melaka for 1100years! That is an achievement according to my textbook. But did you know that the Portuguese only had their independence a few hundred years before they invaded the world? And that the Kesultanan Melayu Melaka chose to give the main businesses to the everyone else (eg: Chinese - tin mining) ...and what were the Melayu Melaka doing then? According to my text book, they were still farmers and growing rempahs to be sold to the spice-loving British, who in-turn took over their economy handling.

ANNIEEwayss...back to the article, while I enjoyed the content and really really enjoyed the content, after reading the comments, I felt that either the article spoke to me in a different way or the rest of the thousands of readers did not get the message right.

I felt that Dr M was sending a sublime message by telling the Maleyu Melaysia that GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OFF THE CHAIR AND START DOING SOME WORK...rather than we must get our Ketuanan back and we own the country and we must destroy all light and dark.

In other words, i think Dr M just wanted to let the Maleys understand that if you want them(Satish and I) to call you Tuan, show me some of your capabilities and tell me why are you better than we are. And don't show me the History book.


Dr M... you are a great writer and I love reading your blog...

1 comment:

mob1900 said...

"Hari ini kuasa politik pun sudah terlepas dari tangan orang Melayu. Dan orang bukan Melayu tidak lagi menghormati orang Melayu dan institusi-institusi Melayu. Segala-gala yang dianggap sebagai hak istimewa orang Melayu disoal dan dicabar. Dan orang Melayu tidak membuat apa-apa untuk menangkis semua ini dan mengukuhkan kedudukan mereka. "

chedet can use what ever means he wants in order to 'inspire' Malays but I disagree with him on using ANOTHER Malaysian Race(Bangsa Malaysia) as Political Punching Bag. Ketuanan comes at the cost of ALL MALAYSIAN, not just from the 'Bukan Melayu/Bumiputera'. Everytime someone like Mendiang Nasiruddin becomes Super-Rich, a whole lot of others are depreived of their opportunities not the other way around. The 'Industry Captains' he groomed are focused on mere individuals and as history showed us, they tend to 'crack' sooner or later. I believe in the Good Chedet did for the Nation but I disgree with his method on blaming another Malaysian Race for failings of another.

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