
SFC Winter Camp 200...6

Old news...yeah...

Let me tell you about the Winter Camp organized by Students For Christ(SFC) ,Moscow last year...

It was -30C and the peak of winter in the outskirts of Moscow where less poisoning fumes and less greenhouse gases from cars and definately fewer Nuclear-Thing Factory around, the air was stuttering cold(I LOVE PUNS!)...

We crazy students who loves God are crazy enough to have camp during this time...

This tradition of winter camp has been around for quite some time now. Last year was my first year in Moscow, and it was one heaven-of-a camp. One that will stay on my mind for as long as they do not freeze...God forbid.........................

It was not(and will not, I suspect) an activity packed camp where we are running after time. It was more of a ... should I say, Fellowshiping Camp(?) .

We didn't have any rigorous games and activities.
We didn't have high volumed praise worship night concerts.
And no,
we didn't have a shortage of food (Thank God !).

So what did we do, you ask?...

Our schedule started at 8..or 9am?
We had small devotion groups...which was more of sharing of our faith to each other, in a very relaxed mood. We found out a little bit about each other, all arriving from different parts of Russia, from different parts of the world. Certain times we talked about cultures and how the churches adapt, in that short time.

From that, we'll have a very relaxed time table...
Sermons and food time...hang around with brothers and sisters from other places. Meet up with friends from the past(WeiSoon met his old primary sch-mate). An occasional game sometimes, before we head to the makan place again....

What really interests me in this camp was the,

"You came here to seek God, now go look for Him"
attitude. So strong that you can smell it from the makan place....

There was no pushing you or even spoon-feeding you with reassuring Scriptures that you will be in heaven with Papa so just leave your worries at the road and lets hold hands and smile wide wide so that we keep a positive attitude and keep on loving God.. =)

Don't get me wrong.
I love (LOVE!!!!) camps like that. I love to recieve that 'boost of spirituality' after the camp, where we start to spread the Word like Reverants.
This "type", if i may categorize, of camp is one where you will need to look for God. As far as I remembered it to be, some of the sermons didn't even have alter calls. It was plain prayer of blessing, and Amen.


I had to absorb the Word and compare it with my life as it was.
I realised that I really needed God.
Noone needed to tell me that God this God that, it was plain " I Need God"

...there and then
Looking for a "something" to put faith on?
Try "SomeOne" ....
If you have the few days to spare during this holidays...sign up now...
no money?post your contact number in the comments place and you can be sure that it will be 100%* paid for.
Simply because I believe that this are the "types" of camp that will change lives.
28th JAN - 1st FEB
*-no strings attached.really

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Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...