
and now, to achieve balance...

The previous photo entry seemed a lil(maybe alot,just maybe) gay to me...so here's to compensate the other side...
So..more pictures ..
enjoy enjoy.

(Mooncake Festival2006:

One very very happening Mooncake Festival Celebration in Moscow..
Where there isn't many moons...


Group 12 playing with joints...
(only 1/2 group is here,other 1/2 sumwhere else)


Funny how we became friends uhh... ;)

(Praise Assembly Taman Mayang Youth...as of 2005)

Last time mia church in Malaysia ...
our youth group.(i told u sure can balance 1)


I was an Egyptian ...then he asked me to pay.



Gonna finally sleep like normal w/o having to worry about waking up for class.FINALLY.

After few weeks of sleepless study nights, and the past few days of sleepless gaming nights, I can finally sleep @ 8am and wake up @ 5pm

And it's Satish's fault still...my whole holiday is fully booked.





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Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...