
Group Gathering

Juenz: Wheres the deodunum? The chicken leg?
weEks~: The deodonum comes from within.... :D

group 12 Deepavali-Christmas Gathering...belated...
I've always thought that our group is a very semangat-ed group when it comes to holding gatherings and makan festivals. Somehow, sometimes, it gives off that kampung muhibah feel. Veli veli nice wan !

A week ago, or so it seemed to me =) , we had this lil gathering that we've planned for a long time. All (except Hanna) was there, and we ate like there was no tomorrow( at least I know I ate like that ) . We had Ayam Masak Merah , Scrambled Egg, Dhal Curry, Fried Chicken, Fried Brocolli and 100% Organic Mushroom soup by yours trully...
We ate and we talked and we had a little live screenplay by our own group members... It was so, emotional ... Rowena could've been nominated for best camera(wo)man by the ONP(Oscar Nominating People) if only we had submitted it.

These are the kind of moments that I know I will cherish as long as I still have some weEks~-ness in me. Small talks about everything...fight till you cry then laugh at the crying person... ghost stories... good times, good times.
the "party" never really ended that night, it went on til the next morning when I had to go to church.
Another sleepless night in Moscow....I wonder how many I had already?

Next time I'l tell you about the time when we went to Old Arbat Street...
Stay tuned yeah =)

Hari and Sudha in their scene...Rowena seen recording the act.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

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Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...