but , It Doesn't Stop There...

One of the few kinds of adverts out there which speaks my language that I do...
Of course its very logical la that the paper industry chops down a billion trees a year to make our newspaper and magazines and colloq papers... everyone knows it. What caught my attention most was, instead of fighting for 1 cause (i.e. Women's Rights, Polar Ice Cap Melting, Use Hybrid Cars etc) - without thinking of how YOUR fighting for that cause ONLY, does to the rest of the world..
It doesn't stop at one .
I remember sometime ago in primary school, some teacher or somebody said that if 1 of your tooth fell out - nn_nnnn - ...the tooth from the opposite site will overgrow into that cavity ..
-nnunnnn - ... Kinda weird for a comparison but ?
It's very weird how people can indulge themselves into something and boost their ego so much to defend it and at the end of the day fake a pride and die with honor...
I love Malaysia.
Malaysia Boleh !
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