
Nostalgia :) ..sorry sorry..i mean (:

It is so miraculous how time can change :) into (: ...

While I was sitting infront of the comp preparing what I was about to share, alot of nostalgic moments hit me. 
I missed times when I was back in school, where naivity is normal :)
Interact club meant so much to me ..to some people, QM was their life! or Leo Club !
Where CF commitee meetings would be highlights of the week. We'd mamak into the evening and then go home for a home cooked meal.

Studies were "ok-lar" important... but suddenly I don't recall many people whole did not study as much as "we" did...and got any poorer results (heh...) 

Football on saturday mornings were hawt ! No, it was not just about the game(which we don't normally keep score anyways) or about the people we played with(or against) ... it was more of like, just being there, a pack of moving clouds in the vast desert sky, where purpose and direction was not really important. What is important - that you're a pack of moving clouds in the vast desert sky. 
(to those who don't get me: Nothing is important...it's just ... it..?) 

Sub-youngmanhood, you think you've got it all, but you're just spending the family's fortune in Gold Class Cinema week after week.

There were to popular kids and the kids which the popular kids picked on, and the kids who wants to pick on them as well but not popular enough to induce any damage... Part time jobs and gengsterism. 

Sometimes I wonder what the teachers(especially HEMs) see when they look at a bunch of kids who think they are heading the right way into an unbreakable future. I mean, they must know that this whole, "school" thing, is just some sort of a pseudo-reality, a dimension which borders on the gates of the compound, a playground for those taller than 1.5m . So why the harsh punishment on gengsters and those who keep their nails?...
...I secretly believe that they send undergrad teachers to acting class in Kursus Cikgu or something...

Everybody wants to be responsible-less, care-less, and worry-less... hehe..

I remember when we were running PRS in form 2, I totally screwed up on an event or a big day or something like that...*DON"T KILL ME! PLEASE SAVE ME!" ... ... "huh..?"... the day passes without a hint of a problem. (:

I miss times when I can grab Ais Kacang and a Daging Special without worrying about how the government will react to the Bill on Internet Freedom.

(: (: (: (: (this will need some getting use to)

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Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...