

Today Prof. Igor (something) Benzaluk said something very revolutionary.

Alcohol, is the enemy of all that is living

Dah lah Russians normally have a very limited command of English, Benzaluk had to send the ultimate bomb of modern day literature.

It is like, Saddam Hussein wants your mother to die, or or or , George Bush will make sure you don't have a future. What an effect that simple Russo-English phrase carried !

Do you know that if you were to drink a can of beer(Heneiken of course)(325ml), 4% of alcohol makes it 13ml of alcohol in it. 90%(which makes 11.7ml) of it goes straight into destroying your liver screw-you-i'm-the-boss style ... no negotiations.

then the other 10%(1.3ml) goes swimming in your blood stream looking for holes to climb into and goes into your brain, like that irritating kid next door who just wouldn't stop shouting. 

Anything that is alive, should come into contact with alcohol will be immediately killed on it's zone of contact. thrown a spider into a glass of whiskey and watch it melt. Laws of the universe, never heard of it, don't like it, don't approve of it, deny it or believe the opposite end : THE LAW STILL FUNCTIONS.

shit i need a beer(i mean coke)(i mean cocacola)

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Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...