
I Am Water...

This research was done by a Dr Masaru Emoto, a japanese(duh) scientist who majors in Water.

A couple of years ago, he did an experiment on water crystal formations, sorta like the snowflakes that fall from the sky. 

He took distilled water, which by right does not form water crystals due to it's composition, and put droplets on many many trays. 

He froze them and right before they melt, Dr Emoto watched them under the microscope with a high speed camera, capturing the formation of water crystals.

This is what a typical distilled water would look like when it's melting : 
Formless and looks kinda like an areolar tissue.

So Dr Motomoto wasn't satisfied, therefore he went and put all those trays of distilled water and exposed them to different sets of sounds and words for days/weeks.

Check out the result he got...

I mean, check it out man...So if I were to stand infront of my fridge for 1 month saying thank you to it non-stop, the ice formation would be super nice la!
Somebody ought to try that one day.

Then you know what else he found out?
You and I are made out of water...70% of it.

So if you are thinking that your words belongs to you, and words will never harm others, Dr Motomoto is against you.

Your words will make my water crystals ugly.

think again...

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Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...