
My biggest regrets...

1.Not taking God serious enough, early enough, enough enough.

3.Joining MRAS without thinking about it's consequences

5.Not buying a net earlier to cover my window, which led to my baby boy's departure..regret this alot

8.For all the times which I have developed any sort of hatred towards my perfect parents and grandparents.
9.For not developing any of my many talents that God had given me..I'm the master of jack of all trades, but master of none.I can guitar,squash,drum,write,read,study, game,football,basketball,cook,ice-skate,rollerblade,tennis,run long distance,high-jump and alot more.. most of which I am in 2nd or 3rd position in terms of grade and level..never the 1st.
10.Not being cool enough in primary and high school.Which led to my pseudo-reality of that i'm actually a friendly easy-going approachable guy.

and i tag all of you who thinks that you need to list out your regrets as well..
was kinda hard..

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Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...