
Wa lau eh...

Just the 1st week of school ???
It felt like 3 months d..

They say 3rd year is the toughest. And we got the toughest teachers too :)

The only nice thing recently is the nice weather. Whether you're in the park, in the hospital, in the bus, in your room or on the road, it's the kind of weather where you can just fall asleep just like that.

Hari and I fell asleep(on separate benches) while our group was lepaking in Zil Hospital waiting for Surgery to start.
Light wind, fountain, sprinkles of water from the fountain, the sound of the wind...

it's a blessing to be a pig.

pig pig.

Path anat is gonna be so fun with Bagadnova :)


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Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...