
Quoted today....

The eye does not see what the mind does not know...
-Dr Wong from SJMC ...

kena-ed kao kao from him cause,

A doctor's mind should be very in order and systematic.
-Dr Wong from SJMC ...

oh yeah, the transverse colon is triangular in shape because the omentum and the gastro-colic ligament is pulling it from diff sides.

also, stress test can be used to detect heart problems by looking at the ECG at the S-T phase, if coronary artery got problem, it wont supply that particular part of the heart with blood, hence no pumping and S-T phase is unique

ah,Scleroderma patients have distinct features on their face, Big nose, small mouth, smooth skin, and wrinkles around the mouth area...
and they have a Reynold(?) syndrome...the blood vessels turn from X-Blue-Red because of their ruptures...

And and and...Helicobacter bacteriae can be detected using Methylene Orange test- they produce urea and changes the color of M.Orange -Yellow(-ve) Red(+ve)


Boom dee-yada...

I love Shaurma...
and I miss him too.
It's been a year plus since we got him off Arbat Street. And about 3-4months since he passed on to another place. I still feel my heart falling whenever he comes into my mind. I miss how he'll follow me in and out the door. Wanting to go out so much into the corridors. I loved how you'll wake me up in the morning whenever you hear my alarm ring, biting gently on my toes. I miss the times when we would eat together. Or how you'd ask me to feed you when you're hungry. You silly cat used my expensive cup while I had to buy a 5 ruble cup for myself. I miss the times when you'll kiss me goodnight before dozing off on your bed.

Dearest Shaurma, daddy has never forgotten about you.
I know you are happy now.
I just know.


of movies, porridge and football...

A week ago:

Watched Wanted, Han2cock, and Hellboy 2...
Wanted and Han2cock is kinda like ok only lah..
New concept and all and cool graphics aside, the story and acting is pretty much bleh...

Wanted was not too bad actually when you're in the cinema especially whenever Jolie is around.
Hot babe jumping of trains and buildings while shooting baddies.
What more can a guy ask for.
Hollywood should start making movies like Rambo 5 + Ultimate Porn Collection ...
But when you realize that the kiddo learned to become a top assassin in 5 mins(when they had 90 mins to use). You realize that it's crap.

Han2cock's name says it all.
h a n C O C K.

You want me to say it again?
H A N c o c k.


Today. Right Now.
Mum cooked porridge for me cause I told her that I'll be home for dinner. Damn alot somemore. And I'm bloated from McD, Murni and A&W, and not only porridge, got vege and char siew some more... Mum's not going to be happy with the left overs i suppose...
Feed the cat?
And I am dead tired now. I'm onlining to help myself ease through the porridge...Hoping that I won't realize that I'm feeding myself while watching Bleach 179.

Football @ 8am
Now: 3.29am.
Status: 3/4bowl of porridge + 1bowl vege + 3piece char siew.

Diagnosis: GG.


What is the 3rd line in Negaraku?


Who is the left winger for the Pulau Pinang team and the Goalkeeper for our National team?


How many right-backs are there in Chelsea? (im sure you know)

A while ago while I was in the toilet, I thought of a couple of years ago, when the Gov tried to make us memorize the Rukun Negara and Negaraku by making the people recite them before the start of a movie in a CINEMA...

So many people made fun of the Gov of it's foolishness then...

Then they tried to pamper the Mat Cermerlang-s by giving them money and new bikes(wtf) ...
Blogs all over the world laughed at Malaysia... and because of that, bloggers were considered as stupid ignorant fools who do not have a job and sit around all day creating stories to start a havoc.

and we are also labeled as Opposition supporters.

Gobloks !

And it was(is) illegal to be in a gathering of more than 3 in a public place without a permit.
Parameswara became Sultan bin something...
A request for a clean election is considered as radical...
Our rapping Zam zam ala ka zam lashed out at Al-Jazeera and once again, us bloggers pulled a tough one on him...erection my foot...

Oh...the sensitive ones like no church buildings are allowed to be built in the Peninsular and you can't even change your religion once you're dead..
The Melays demand their right and scorn at the Chinese and Indians...

Lingam tape is one of the dumbest... you find a video of a possible felony, you go la research the story and find the proof and all...
it took them a couple of months to state that the video might be real.

Then Che Det came into the goblok scene...
ironic, yeah?

Oh, oh, oh... Our Space Traveller...
dunno how many million went into my uni...
Thanks to him, now we have nice ceilings in our uni :)

you know, all these things that the Gov do, sometimes just reflect the altitude of their organization...
To me, it all seems to be like some high school society political scene.
This girl wants to be the prez, that gang don't like this girl, so all of them run for the lower posts to make that girl suffer.
Then half the club quits because of the politics and joins another club.
The other clubs start war on the club.
and then we start it back at one...

Do they actually remember that a government is a group of civilians(yes they are NOT royal blood) who got elected by their fellow civilians to represent them in matters concerning the civilians?
you say, oh, if Malaysia go buy jet planes...where got concerning the people?
Whose money they use ah?

my dad pays his taxes one ok?

Too many times already and for too long already, the political parties have been fighting for their way of ruling the country and their principals.
No matter what the principals are, the opponent's one are always WRONG WRONG WRONG. I will not be surprised if one day ;
Party A : We've decided, for the interest of the people, to not charge for telephone calls anymore !
Party B : Nonsense ! If don't charge, people will not learn.
Party A : We've decided,for the interest of the COUNTRY,to increase the rates of the telephone calls!
Party B : Nonsense ! Charge so expensive while you can actually give free for everybody. Put the people first!

and it would not surprise the people as well...

While this party is so keen on fighting for Plan A to rule the country and that party is keen on Plan B ...
They have never thought of a

Plan A(good parts) + Plan B(good parts) = Plan C.

All we ever hear is only Plan A is the best damn way. Screw Plan B.
Yesterday Dr. M said that UMNO can't agree with PAS because PAS is very undecided on which side to lean on. And because PAS supports DAP.
He can't see UMNO working together with PAS...
Hello? Rakyat mane?
You want me to remember all the lines in Negaraku?

I can honestly say that I am not very proud to be a Malaysian. I don't think I can say without lying that I do not love Malaysia as much as I should.
I know the Russian football team better than the Malaysian football team.
but then...
what has the Gov done to make me want to love Malaysia?

Instill the fear of getting robbed and mugged if I go to mamak at night...
Ban games in cyber cafes (i still can't get this) ?
Or tell me that I(a Malaysian born Chinese) will have to work twice as hard as the aborigines to get the same job but will get it for a lower salary?
See patients die in hospital because of the lack of MRI machines ???

One day while Flora, Dasha, Sonya, Wowe, Sam and I were walking back from PK's house, F, D and S started to sing their patriotic songs(they are Russians la) and they actually sang it out so damn loud that people from around the area joined in and every single Russian near us were singing. That is true patriotism.

If today you were to go to the Parliament house and hang a bomb around your neck and tell them to stop all the fights if not you'll push the button.

Please be prepared to die.

because they will state the reasons and facts and all the whatnots and then set up a 3-man panel to decide what to do with you and push the blame to the Opposition and you'll still have to pay for your own funeral...

Putrajaya, YOU HAVE A PROBLEM...


kinda funny...

kinda funny when (chewbacca language sets in ala all the chewbacca blogs around the world)* srhhh brhhnhhh brwwwrr qwrrrnrr

also kinda funny when
* byrnhhhh rnyhhh brwwrrrr? nahh ...bbrynrrr nyyrryrrhhjr

don't you think its funny?

oh just now
jnhrry: whhrrr nyrrhr rerryr prnyrr brymmmrr nmmmmryyyrrhhh ?
me: bymmmmmrrrr nyyyyrrrhhhh hhhyyyrrrmmrrr 2 months myrrr otrrrmy
byyrrmtrr , also mmyrryyr mhhhryyy!!!

So far, I've caught Han2cock, Wanted and Hellboy...
1st 2 not so good la, Hellboy was not bad...nice story and all...

I tell you, friends are friends... however different you may be or they may be...there is a link between friends.
I am feeling kinda guilty though. because
*bymrr hymmmmmnrr and also myrr mhnnnhhhh and aymmmr leeerrryrrnnh peekkkrrrynnhh ...

aih... :)




Fell asleep waiting for kehliang to fetch the rest so that we can go COD4...

This evening's football was blardy tiring.(note to self: don't play football in d evening)

Yesterday night's banana leaf rice was kinda...err... not worth it. Not that nice anyways...

followed by a

game of Munchkin was fun but was probably too long... no thanks to stupid im-ba cards... lol...

The bus from Penang yesterday was not bad but it was kinda hard to get sleep...maybe because it was in the afternoon... reached around 7 plus at the old railway station..

The past five days in Penang was hectic(as it was intended to be) and barely got much sleep...

The few days last week preparing for Penang and meeting up with friends was fun...did the old time stuffs(cc, snooker, footie, yam char)

Kenyir was fun...3 days 2 nights there was fun...
Fun, Fun, Fun, Fish...


stupid SMRA stuff also haven't do...


keep bleeding...

A Yuna and Tidus Love Tragedy
Tidus and Yuna are in love, but Seymour is forcing Yuna to love him instead. Yuna doesn't give in, and believes that anyone who thinks her and Tidus' love isn't worth it just doesn't understand their relationship with eachother.
Lenne's spirit slowly sinks into Yuna's heart, and shows Yuna how she had died with Shuyin. Lenne's spirit tells Yuna that this is her fate too. Yuna doesn't want to believe that it would happen, but very soon indeed, things started to happen. Tidus becomes a spirit, and they said they're last goodbyes to eachother before Tidus left Yuna all on her own because of the fate of his own exsistance - a spirit, a spirit that he felt didn't deserve the right to live, to protect Yuna...he couldn't. He jumped from Cid's airship - regretfully of course - but he had to... Yuna was traumatized! Four years pass... slowly... and painfully... hauntingly even..... All of her's and Tidus loving memories... forgotten and gone for four long years........ - BUT - Tidus is finally reborn and Yuna finds him with Cid's airship. But as they embrace eachother, Lenne's spirit starts to haunt Yuna's mind. Lenne tells Yuna that it won't be long now, and shows Yuna scaring images of her and Shuyin's dead bodies. Yuna hugs Tidus for the last time, and the happy re-union does not last long, as Lenne had warned. Very soon indeed, Yuna and Tidus were no longer embracing for love, but embracing for life - just as Lenne and Shuyin had done. Both couples had died the same way - shot by the people that never understood their love for each other. Tidus' and Yuna's bodies lay on the very same floor that Lenne and Shuyin's had lain on. No-one knew why this had happened.... but that is a different story................................... ........................................


home again..

went to kenyir for 3 days.

Fishing trip!
Wonderful man...
went with all the pros equipped with rappalas and froggies and this and that.
All I had was a soft joran(it'll be weird if i say rod). and a lousy reel.

Din expect much la from the trip, maybe a couple of lazy fishes and a nice pull.

The boatman, Baharom was the best ever. Witty and witty and witty and sarcastic.
While I was drinking water also wanna kacau 1 -; Minum ayok dok leh tutup mulut dok?
wth man...

Yan, Shamir, Abang Sep, Bidah were wonderful boatmates.

The first night, we went to hunt for baung-s , It was like 11 plus at night and in the forest of course no light kan?
so we just casted our baits and waited on the speedboats for them to bite.
I just lied down and look at the stars and it was so relaxing.So so relaxing.
I remember 1 day before going to Kenyir, the TV said that the forest only comes alive at night...at that night, it was like an orchestra with stars on show...

and you sleep off to that.

and when the fish actually bite, it threw everyone off their sleep.albeit scarily...

My result : 4 Baung, 1 Lampam, 1 Sebarau but ran away while carrying it up.

Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...