
Boom dee-yada...

I love Shaurma...
and I miss him too.
It's been a year plus since we got him off Arbat Street. And about 3-4months since he passed on to another place. I still feel my heart falling whenever he comes into my mind. I miss how he'll follow me in and out the door. Wanting to go out so much into the corridors. I loved how you'll wake me up in the morning whenever you hear my alarm ring, biting gently on my toes. I miss the times when we would eat together. Or how you'd ask me to feed you when you're hungry. You silly cat used my expensive cup while I had to buy a 5 ruble cup for myself. I miss the times when you'll kiss me goodnight before dozing off on your bed.

Dearest Shaurma, daddy has never forgotten about you.
I know you are happy now.
I just know.

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Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...