
of movies, porridge and football...

A week ago:

Watched Wanted, Han2cock, and Hellboy 2...
Wanted and Han2cock is kinda like ok only lah..
New concept and all and cool graphics aside, the story and acting is pretty much bleh...

Wanted was not too bad actually when you're in the cinema especially whenever Jolie is around.
Hot babe jumping of trains and buildings while shooting baddies.
What more can a guy ask for.
Hollywood should start making movies like Rambo 5 + Ultimate Porn Collection ...
But when you realize that the kiddo learned to become a top assassin in 5 mins(when they had 90 mins to use). You realize that it's crap.

Han2cock's name says it all.
h a n C O C K.

You want me to say it again?
H A N c o c k.


Today. Right Now.
Mum cooked porridge for me cause I told her that I'll be home for dinner. Damn alot somemore. And I'm bloated from McD, Murni and A&W, and not only porridge, got vege and char siew some more... Mum's not going to be happy with the left overs i suppose...
Feed the cat?
And I am dead tired now. I'm onlining to help myself ease through the porridge...Hoping that I won't realize that I'm feeding myself while watching Bleach 179.

Football @ 8am
Now: 3.29am.
Status: 3/4bowl of porridge + 1bowl vege + 3piece char siew.

Diagnosis: GG.

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Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...