
I didn't tell you I got exams meh!?!?!?

....oh i didn't ha...sorry la people...

It's been so long since i last posted a real entry.
Sorry yeah people.
Exams took it's toll on me.
I shouldn't even be online right now.
Zachut for Russian is in 30minutes time and I have not even bathed.


Anyways, to all having their exams.
All the best.
Break a leg.Or break the fucking teacher's leg.


I had a very mixed week.
Got a free avtomat just because my teacher had problems.
But got dragged another week by that old lady teacher.

In all things, Give Thanks. For this is God's will concerning your life.

You know what?I'm coming back in 19days' time. You guys better be there to pick me up from the airport. Or else!(i'l be stuck there)

After a very very long time, I am actually feeling good, even when bad things are happening.
So happy to have people I love in my life.
Thats why I always say, stock up on friends, and burn them as fuel in the winter when you're cold :)

Livern dear, I got your sms yesterday. Was asleep when you sent it and thought it'd be better if i were to talk to you in person(through the magnificent invention of the internet and all it's appliances). You want a gift you say la. Don't malu2 :P

Ok people. Time to go.
Love you all.
Thanks for all the 700hits. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

son havent mummy told u not to use the **** word!! tsk tsk~

Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...