
Wedding and People

Sis' wedding was great.
Tiring, had in KL and in Ipoh.

Ate wedding food, drank wedding drinks, great time, great time.

Now its about time to start my holidays.

KL is so hot! I don't mean to complain, but it is so damn blardy hot! When we were in Ipoh, we stayed in the hotel - the air-conditioner was super cold and there were no controls - just on or off. I woke up 20 times just to press the on off button because off means freaking hot.

Food I have yet to eat - Malay food, random pasar malam snacks.
Things I have yet to do - Study OPX.
Things currently doing - Dad in post-office renewing my licence.

Pokwe was right, being in Malaysia in January is alot different than in July. I don't feel like I'm back for a holiday at all. It feels like I'm back home after a holiday. There are things that just feels so comfortable and easy. like taking a shit in the toilet(seriously, after 2 years in M2 Hostel toilet - coming back to normal is luxury.

All the best exam people!

EDIT : Bought myself a new reel : Abu Garcia t3500 . Fishy fishy !

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Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...