
Gud bai all..

Goodbye room. Goodbye house. Goodbye car. Good fishing pond. Goodbye one utama and cinema. Goodbye roads and traffic lights. Goodbye goodbye. Goodbye you...


Lunch :)

Posted from my phone.Figured that since this is my last few days in malaysia. Why not eat something that can't be found in moscow. Spicy chicken Mcdeluxe :) . The cats are sun bathing and i should watch bleach . Sometimes life is fun .



Posted from my phone.

Patience is a virtue.. The patin is mine.. He can have the bread

Ma Ma Ma Ma

Education can be fun.ny.

Feel like going to Laguna for a good rest while feeding the mosquitoes. Doesn't look like it's gonna rain anyways. 1 thing i miss about Moscow, ffffast internet.

5 more days.
5 more...


Dr M and the truth

Just read Dr. M's statement on war, 9/11, Jews and Obama.

So much truth in his words :

“We live in a world that is only partially civilised. I say this because we still believe that the way to resolve conflicts between nations is to kill people in what is called war. The winner is the side which succeeds in killing the most number of people. Yet we vehemently declare that killing people is murder, a terrible crime worthy of the most severe punishment.

“We are being openly hypocritical. Mass killing is glorious but killing one man is a heinous crime,” he said in his speech.

It's not so much of, why we fight and who we fight. Not just in wars or battles for this land or that land. We go all out to gain something that we cannot afford to own. And when we lose, we cry foul and call for a re-do. Winning has become not the ultimatum, it has blinded so many of us to kill in the process of winning and yet shielded us from the meaning of the victory. Do you know what you have just accomplished? But you know very well who you killed in your march to success.

No longer people holds their destiny in their own hands, but destiny has caused people to walk in ways people have no path in.

We work, work, work and work knowing that we will succeed, in something that only can be told in stories and yet we know, who we have killed to achieve our achievements. No medals to honor you, no flower rings to congratulate you, no cookie to reward you.

Welcome to the 3rd millennium. 2010.


Sure, why not

Getting myself a new gadget today.
Can't wait.


passion only koreans can have...

most of you prob have heard him on youtube b4.
zack. awesome. pure awesome.


This is, err.. something like the most impor... erm, err..

Sometimes we should be a little .. i mean..err.. like , because you see.. I think, err..

Anyways it is very vital, no I mean, important, like err.

Oh well.

Enjoy your Sunday.

Free Myspace Glitters @ GlitterUniverse.com
listening to:
Wish for you on a falling star
Wondering where you are
Do i ever cross your mind
In the warm sunshine


The Pink Dot

I have experienced happiness, sorrow, frustration, anger, hope, satisfaction, excitement, severe patience, gladness and pure joy - just by starring at a pink dot and a green dot for about 10 hours without talking to anyone or moving away from my seat.

I love fishing.

I didn't even land any today.


Bought a random Seahawk rod for 40 bucks in Giant.

Went to Laguna to test out my Abu Garcia.

3pm - 10pm
Result: 1 Pacu (3 kg), 2 Rohu ( 1kg + 2kg)

Verdict: Still alot of getting use to with the reel (maybe the rod too). There is like no mid-range drag, either too loose or too hard. Especially when bringing up the Pacu, it was either the fella was just running loose or stuck being tugged by the line. Maybe 20lbs IS too thick.

And stupid Rohu jumped and tangled up my line.

Need to buy: Jig, new leeder, lighter line?


PS: Guy in pic is NOT ME. Fish is Pacu


Wedding and People

Sis' wedding was great.
Tiring, had in KL and in Ipoh.

Ate wedding food, drank wedding drinks, great time, great time.

Now its about time to start my holidays.

KL is so hot! I don't mean to complain, but it is so damn blardy hot! When we were in Ipoh, we stayed in the hotel - the air-conditioner was super cold and there were no controls - just on or off. I woke up 20 times just to press the on off button because off means freaking hot.

Food I have yet to eat - Malay food, random pasar malam snacks.
Things I have yet to do - Study OPX.
Things currently doing - Dad in post-office renewing my licence.

Pokwe was right, being in Malaysia in January is alot different than in July. I don't feel like I'm back for a holiday at all. It feels like I'm back home after a holiday. There are things that just feels so comfortable and easy. like taking a shit in the toilet(seriously, after 2 years in M2 Hostel toilet - coming back to normal is luxury.

All the best exam people!

EDIT : Bought myself a new reel : Abu Garcia t3500 . Fishy fishy !



Anyone pissed with the How Smart Are You advert?
The one with the question : How Many Triangles Do You See?

then you click on the number 5, and it brings you to this lame-ass Ringtone website.

and worse of all...it doesn't tell you the answer!

I mean, 5 or 6?? 5 OR 6!!??

Weird enough, I do not miss the smell of Moscow like how I used to.
Metro - Piss smell
Hospital - Bacteria smell(yes)
Hostel - Ikan bilis smell
Street - you can't smell cause your nose is all frozen up.

love home


One of those random short posts before really restarting my blog routine again

Cut my hair today.

Supposed to meet up with some people but then slept off

Feel like eating now....

Anyways, my body is starting to adapt to the fact that this is no longer Moscow, that I am in the liberty of my own home. Water will not taste like chlorine and food actually is enjoyable.

And my cats are blardy fat...


I still did not let my blog die after the hiatus.

in your face, err..you..err... hmm!!

Shall post more and etc soon.

good to be back home.

Love the smell.

Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...