

If there is a God, why did He create Christians...


Head Pump

Recently, I've discovered that my memory does has a limit, and I seem to have reached it. Not without some complications.

About 2 weeks ago, I was on my way to feed the guinea pig a few floors down with a carrot on my hand. As usual, I tried to phrase the situation in Russian

- Я несу в своих руках мер..мар..марковь и иду покормить ______ -

I have forgotten what a guinea pig(in this case I was trying to use the word rabbit) is in Russian. It was one of the easier words in my vocab. It was a total blank, not even a syllable to begin with.

Throughout the entire week, I decreased myself into using long-assed phrases but with no objects or subjects present

- Мне кажется так, что хотя это такой итак, ну, нормально...не знаю... -

Even just yesterday, while I was walking towards the university, I tried to remember my basic ОПХ .. what требование for which operation/procedure. BLANK !

I have replaced most memory space with too many new stuff, both important and unimportant ones. And involuntarily, have deleted a lot of the older stuff.

And at that very moment, for the very first time in my life, I contemplated and even tempted myself to look up for some memory enhancers. Herbal-Life popped up in my mind very suddenly(thanks to great advertising).

Ginkgo-biloba pills?

Brain enlargers?

Head Pump?

and at that very moment, very vulgar thoughts came into my mind which led me to this post.

p/s: im curious to see how many spam comments i can get from posts like this..I am a sitting duck, man..
Sell me pills !



I was randoming the Forum then found something very interesting..

A presentation done by some IMU proffesor regarding H1N1 ..

I personally think that H1N1 is - not a big deal, but then again, if people are dying(even 1) then i guess its a fairly big of a deal la..

click here to download the Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation


p/s : oh have a new hobby - walking ..
from today on, i will walk and walk and walk..like forrest gump, only without the looks..

Tom Tom Tom Ga Bacon Flavored Gai Soup

The Original


- 2 boneless skinned chicken breasts
- 1 pint of chicken stock
- About 250 mls of coconut milk
- 8 birdseye chillis
- 2 stalks of lemongrass
- corriander(cilantro)
- A piece of ginger(galangal was what was needed but its hard to get a hold of here and everyone I asked looked at me as if i had just spat in their eye)
- The juice of a lime
- 4 tbsp of fish sauce

Slice the ginger up into really thin strips and cut the stalks off the chillis. Dice the chicken into bitesize cubes and then remove the outerleaves from the lemon grass until you get to the soft bit in the center. Now take a rolling pin or something heavy and batter the lemongrass and give the chillis a beating for good measure.

Step 1:
Place the stock in a pot and start to heat. While it is heating juice your lime.
When the stock is starting to get hot, put the lime juice, chillis, lemongrass, ginger and fish sauce in. And bring to the boil.

Step 2:
Once it starts to boil add the chicken and coconut milk, stir and bring it back to boil.
Once boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for about 2 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through. Keep stiring whilst doing this to avoid a skin forming. Remove the lemongrass.

Step 3:
Serve the Tom Kha Gai when ready and garnish with the corriander.

source : visualrecipes

alà weeks87.blogspot.com

No lime - buy lemon
No chicken stock - buy chicken stock - no stock - nevermind, buy bacon stock
No xxeye chili - use dried chili
Chicken - any part will do

1) Boil water with bacon stock
2) Cut ginger, soak dried chili in water, cut lemon.
3) Once boiled, throw (2) inside pot
4) Once boiled put chicken, coconut milk(the more the better) and coriander powder inside pot
5) Boil rice(I made nasi lemak!)
6) Should be ok kot...

Bacon is chicken right? ...

Weird fact : Whitney Houston's "It's not right but it's ok" played a total of 3 times on my comp while I was cooking ...

It's not right
But it's o.k.
I'm gonna make it anyway...

thats the spirit !

If you would donate a camera, I would take pictures of my Bacon flavored chicken tom kha gai ...


Animals Don't Have It Easier

Do you remember story of Cinderella? 2 sisters who hate their younger sister because she is pretty and all?

Doesn't it remind you of how today's females are, albeit most suffer silently.

A bunch of normal looking(or fat) girls come together to poke fun at the hot PYT.


Imagine this, 2 friends living in a hostel room. In this case, 1 normal looking and 1 fat one. One day, a hot sassy thing was put in their room. If she had a tail it would pride itself like a peacock. She was already hot by normal standards, but when put beside Ms. Normal and Ms. Fat, she was Miss World and Universe combined!

Now, this is what naturally happens:
Normal would always try to get near the PYT. You put a toad beside a flower and somehow the toad will look better. Normal tries to befriend PYT. Well, she tries.

Fat hates PYT. She thing she so thin but when she jump, she got stuck. (ok, bad joke) .Fat would hit PYT in the face if she could. She would try to get Normal to herself as much as possible and not let her hang around PYT. Several nights a week, curse words fly down the hallway.

PYT hates her life, she is thin and pretty and she hates the entire world. She hate the person who put her in that room. She hates Normal. She especially hates Fat! Her momma must be so fat that when she jump, she got stuck! What the hell am I doing here with all these ugly girls. I want my own room with my own friends! Everything sucks! Thats what she'll say...

My friends(and whoever who is reading this)...
This is exactly what is happening in my room now, with 3 cats...
bubbles, feefee, and the new PYT - chacha



This innocence is brilliant
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
Please don't go away
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by

What I really need now, is another 20 years of innocence.

It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry

The problems of this world began when 1 man stood up and said, I want to be greater, stronger, better.

Slept at 6 something this morning and woke up to Mr Exterminator aka Hostel Director to do some cockroach killing business at 11am. Went back to sleep and woke up at 2pm.

No roaches here though, just lots of flies... ate prawns 3 days straight, imagine the smell in the rubbish bin and the unwashed dishes.
The weather has been wonderful. Just need to unglue my butt to my new chair.

oh, you know, a simple screwing a screw to the wall is much more fun when done with a (waste of money) drill with the smallest drill bit.

Need new Shlang ! My shlang is too big for the shower head!

ahh, summertime

she's been gone since that summer...since that summer



Watch all of Simon's Cat's adventures !!!
my fav episode is the fly one... bubbles and feefee are doing the exact same thing now, wrecking everything in the room to catch a fly...

Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...