
Advent Season

Every now and then, everyone of us experience a time where we have finally grew out of coffee and towards Cola. It is very important that through this transition, we keep our eyes on the goal, lest we get dismayed and distracted. The choice is ours ultimately, no matter how much money both companies spend on their advertistment, promotion and packaging. Coca-Cola or Pepsi, that is the question now.

Well we all know that we need coca-cola much more than pepsi, we all know that after all that has been and will be, pepsi will fade and there is no effect at all. Coca-cola on the other hand, maybe might not have the extra little tangyness in it's flavor, but it works, it keeps you awake and it is what you need after all.

Today I had a very bad day, and sometimes, even though I know I shouldn't, I mustn't and I have vowed never to every do it again, I bought Pepsi. Well of course it is cheaper and easier to dispose of(the bottle), but , but...

In the end, I have nothing but remorse. I feel worse than before.

Oh the heavens! Hear me cry!


Anonymous said...

Weeks is a Cokacola fanatic!! God, save us all!!

Weeks said...

is tat u vernz?
anyways, i'm not addicted to Coke la.. there was a isi tersirat inside :)

sherry fct said...

wht's ya isi tersirat huh? =P

Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...