

I am a person who prefer to decipher situations using logic and understanding AND THEN be amazed, than to simply gasp in awe without knowing ahead.

Whenever I see something cool on the internet, or someone doing something noble, or even monkeys flying in the sky, I run the formulas in my head and give a tiny smirk, and move on.

That is why magic shows and card tricks do not really captivate me, they simply send some signals through my corpus callosum.

But on this very special day, I was left with DH after a 2.5 hour performance of a class so high, it is forbidden to be named.

This is not merely a story, this is beyond the 8th Wonder of the world.
This is, Tommy Emmanuel
this officially became the most intense moment of my life

some words with the master..

then there was Jake...who was shorter than I am..
and I became the happiest boy in the world... :)



The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath.
And emeralds from mountains thrust toward the sky
Never revealing their depth.
Tell me that we belong together,
Dress it up with the trappings of love.
I'll be captivated,
I'll hang from your lips,
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above.


Well, well, well weeks87, what have you gotten yourself into this time.

aside from all the questions,

i think my V2 x S2 x P2 x L2 = H is pretty high this past few days


I Think I Love You! Stacked Pink Doughnuts

Pink stacked donuts
I'm not sure but I think so.

I'm not sure but I want so.


Hot day hot day
MASSAD in a few hours.
2 easy peasy cycle left then it's exams.
Sometimes I want to not sleep the whole night and just not sleep.

Drinking barley. Hot and nice :)

Need new guitar strings.


jebal o jebal dorawa...

난 니가 생각나 자꾸만 생각나
예전처럼 니 손 잡을 수가 없어
난 니가 너무 좋아서 너의 모든걸 못잊어
이 노래는 널 붙잡을 수 있는 노래

I eend a yver dhar waek pu acll.
Pasl em wkeaa erad brnai fo imen.
Laps em, tli I epels nad amrde on oemr.
Ti’s on eimt tels I’d eb oolf yb yuo.
Kwae pu. Awek pu. Wkea pu.

p/s: i love scrambling words :D


Hummingbird (2)

When voices go a-croaking
Phrases and senses fails to inspire
Oil and air that condenses the culture
Drums go bam-bam-bam
And people, oh the people
Have forgotten about the future.


So long never upload pictures ha.
It's almost time to begin looking out the window for planes to fly by.
home sweet home..
perhaps not yet :S


ля ля ля ))

Ф.И.О. : Ви Ки Онг
Восраст : 22 года 5м 8д
Пол : Мужкой
Адрес : Москва, Ул. Ак. Волгина, Дом 39, к 1513м
Проффесия : Студент ВУЗ

Жалобы при поступлении : Общая слабость, боль в суставах и мышах обоих конечности, повышение температуры, боль в горле.

Анамнез Морби : Принимал умеренную угрузку в 30/04 и 1/05 на собитиях. Отмечалься редкий кашель с макротой зелоновата на следующий день. Ночью 2/05 началось повышение темературы с появлением симтомами интоксикации.

Анамнез Витае : Родилься 25/11/1987. Болел бронхиальной астмой в детстве. Рост и социальное отношение без оссобености. Приехал в Москву 2005г за учебой. Диагнозирован простом бронхитом в 2007-2009(хронический бронхит?).

Status Praesens : Общие состояние удостворительное. Т - неизмерял. сознание ясное.. Кожные покровы и видимые слизистые нормальной откраски. Влажность кожи обычная.Отеков нет.

ЧДД - 15/мин. ЧСС - 82у/мин
Осмотры системой без оссобенности, функции сохранены.

Предположительный диагноз : Грипп Сезонный.

План обследования :
1) Обший анализ крови.
2) Обший анализ мочи.
3) Анализ БХ крови.
4) Рентгенограмма передной грудной области.

Режим домашный
Диэта - ограничить соленые, жаренные, сухие еды.

Медикаментозные :
Нурофен 2 таб по 200мг 3р/д
или Парацетамол 2 таб по 500мг 2-3р/д


У компьютера сидеть не должен.!!!

Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...