
Baseball @ 16

...On Sunday, the sophomore from Las Vegas found his way into national headlines again when his father announced that Bryce will forgo his final two years of high school and use a GED to enroll in a community college this August. Though it more or less makes a mockery of our education system, the Harpers' plan would make Bryce eligible for the 2010 draft, where he could conceivably be the Nationals' No. 1 pick and eventually join forces with Stephen Strasburg to save Washington baseball from itself....

...From my viewpoint, I'm not going to act like a truant officer on Harper's decision when viewed in a vacuum. It's quite clear that Harper has loads of talent, lives to play baseball and has been groomed to play professional baseball ever since he and his family realized that he was much better than everyone else. It's obvious he has that physical attributes to succeed and he'd be drafted in two years anyway, so why delay the inevitable? Is an 18-year-old really that much better equipped to handle the pressures of grand expectations than a 16-year-old? As much as people will want to say that Harper should stay in school like a normal kid, the truth is that whatever normal life he had disappeared the minute he showed up on the cover of a magazine at homes across the country
. ...
Full Story Here

So, a 16 year old talented baseball player will skip his final 2 years of school to enter college just so that he is eligible to be selected to be in the big leagues and in the Nats...

At first I was doing my "sophisticated" thinking thingy, I thought that all the skeptics who is against this is old-fashioned and should let loose a bit. Then just ever so suddenly, i became even more "sophisticated" when I started to think about that kid himself.

It is true that he has super cool talents and all, but 16 years old, going to a community college just to play baseball...

Of course he won't miss out on the science and maths that he might learn in his final 2 years in school, probably he'd be playing ball too much to be learning those things.

But 16 years old, dude... and you're worried about your future? I believe that this is the sort of person, when he becomes old, will go crazy and tell his grandchildren,"All i ever did was hit some balls, thats all they ever tell me to do. I'd be standing in the sun for hours just hitting 'em balls"

My current 5-minute theory in life is -
"Robots are created to do stuff, humans are created to experience stuff"

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Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...