

demotivational posters - MOUNTAINS

Maybe I'll head out to the mountains next week...


basic instructions


I'M HOOKED TO basicinstructions.net

greatest life's teaching since the bible itself!


Sucks . MaFking SUCKS

!HAHA .it escaping no There's ?sucks what know You

.glory of moment a have will "He" that so just ...for care you that all away take and business your rob ,house your destroy ,animals your kill ,family whole your drown will there up .F.M the ,it achieve to order in that ,great so is life in purpose your that realization a is This .that beyond am I you fuck No .sadness merely not is This

.. fall and slip accidentally then and ..Catfish Mekong a catch to river the to down run and ...seconds 45 for breathe and Kinabalu Mt up run to want I

(them with awkward still its but ,alright are parents my)arrival your acknowledges neither when more even sucks it but ,family and friends from support need I course Of .in put to need I things 3 .memory my from remove to need I things 300 .brainwashing of time a for but ..break a for Not .holiday a for not ,home back am I

.events of circle that of out myself find I yet but ...desired so ,ideal so is It .mind my to comes other each supports couple the where ,relationship on drama Kong's Ps of Memories .well know I whom ,me to similar people of vision the through to me brings imagination My

.well very think can't I and hurts head my because ,Sweet .them over built buildings tall have but ,footprints my of many so with by me passed life my because ,Bitter .bittersweet them of one every and each .head my through running thoughts one and thousand a with ,hours 6 for water of pit the before sat I

?..say I can what ,say I can What .judgement your stop to you tell to what know don't I ,actually ... ,(it about thought a have and..it read will someone that hope in this write I ,yes)me judge you Before

.life my ,joke a What .."secret top is it and ,anyone with it share can't I ,life my in thing good only the" that someone tell to wanted I ago weeks 2 Just

.NOW FUCKING RIGHT .now right have I heartache worse the of one is ,now life my in thing good only the ,fact In .end an to coming also is ..life my in right going thing only the and ...studies and stuff love the just mean don't I and ,wrong going is Everything .life my of period worse the is This

.SHIT FUCK .minutes 5 FUCKING every ,mind my to come them of thought the time each "!THINK DON'T" loud out shout to have I .them about thinking stop can't I .cats my both ,cat my miss I .branch tree a on neck my break and cliff a off jump to need I .quit to need I ...break a need don't I ,No .escape need I

.rod fishing RM50 my with them whacking imagined I ...30minutes for that like something or "Gong I Yes" screaming were kids 2 .life my in time first the for abuse child contemplated I ,Laguna @ Earlier .fireworks with exploding like feels chest My .about think to not hard so trying am I things the about think to have not will I that so building a off jump to want I ,physically ,people hurt to want I .things break to want I .hurt eyes my ,bulge to starting are eyes my that ,tears much so back held have I

.existence your of purpose the defeat
will that that - you telling is mind your because can't you and ,off fuck to world the tell to want really you when ,sucks Fucking really if why is that And .else everyone for ,here put are you that you tell standards moral You .you about NOT is world the that you tell standards moral your yet and ,selfish be to reason much so is there when selfish be to difficult is it Sometimes

!peace in suffer can't You .it decipher to able and ,happens that shit each Knowing ...Solomon as wise are you and ,Job are you when ,sucks fucking it But .faith of pride the with suffering Job's through go to rewarding also is it and ,power and glory his in had Solomon that wisdom the have to great is It

.it hate fucking I .it hate I

?right..before worked has it ...time this work will it maybe ,myself telling keep I .stop to myself tell cannot I .come NOT will fish the and ,wrong is setting my ,bait the of cast every with that ,knowing ,times 50-100 about for process same the repeat I .happen to going is nothing ,throw every with that knowing water the into things throwing hours 6 last the spent just have I

Bloggers United

Bloggers United
the sun is setting..
"so what", you say "it'll rise again tomorrow"
...think again...